I want to use hello_world example OTA nrf9160.
Reference application_update example.
How to use application_update?And How to modify hello_world into a file that can be used for OTA?
I want to use hello_world example OTA nrf9160.
Reference application_update example.
How to use application_update?And How to modify hello_world into a file that can be used for OTA?
I'm not sure I understand your issue. Do you want to program the nRF9160 with hello_world sample using the application_update sample?
Please read the documentation and provide more details to your inquiry.
Kind regards,
When I run the application_update sample, it seems to enter the bootloader without running the application.
I'm not able to reproduce this issue in v2.1.2 on my side.
In order to use the application_update sample to download a version of the hello_world from your host server of choice, you will need to add CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT=y to the prj.conf of hello_world.
This will generate important OTA files such as the update image app_update.bin (build\zephyr\app_update.bin). This file can then be uploaded to e.g. AWS S3 bucket as described in the documentation of application_update.
Kind regards,
And CmakeLists.txt Config:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20.0) find_package(Zephyr REQUIRED HINTS $ENV{ZEPHYR_BASE}) project(application_update) # NORDIC SDK APP START target_sources(app PRIVATE src/main.c) target_sources(app PRIVATE C:/ncs/v2.1.2/nrf/samples/nrf9160/http_update/common/src/update.c) target_include_directories(app PRIVATE C:/ncs/v2.1.2/nrf/samples/nrf9160/http_update/common/include) # NORDIC SDK APP END
I don't know if it matters.