First of all, I have two "nrf52840-dk" and use "SEGGER Embedded Studio" to install the mesh sample "light_switch" (server) to the two "DKs" and use the Android app "nRF Mesh" I checked the operation and it worked fine.
I wanted to build more networks here, so I built an Adafruit Feather nRF52840 Express with 4 switches and 4 LEDs just like the DK. And installed "light_switch" (server) via SWD.
But this didn't work the same as "DK".
Debug Terminal shows the following message:
<t: 0>, main.c, 367, ----- BLE Mesh Light Switch Server Demo -----
<t: 18925>, app_error_weak.c, 105, Mesh assert at 0x0002FC50 (:0)
Are these settings missing?
I have no idea.