something wrong SPIS communication...


My project is displaying ADC datas, Real-time based.

ADC : ADS7054.

SDK : 17.1.0 nRF5 SDK

softdevice : s140

chip : nrf52840

Master Boards SPI Timing : (below images) **

I use SPI packet size 8bit.

2*packet define 1ADC data(14bit). 

1 Sample is 2packet.

ADC data read from other boards, which is spi Master board.

spi Master board send datas, Format is SPI_MODE 0.

SPI_MODE Setting : //


I just merged 2 example projects,  ble_app_uart and spis.

and testing in 1-kHz signal, graph is very rough..

*Every 120 Samples, loss some datas.

After BLE communication,  data plot is below. (using MATLAB)

In debug terminal SPI buffer data plot is below. 

plots are same... 

i think this means

something caused in SPI communication..

this is my Spi & ble sending code. SPI instance is 1.

I want Sampling 10-kHz sinusoidal signals and plotting in real-time, SPI + BLE copmmunication.

Thank you.
