ZigBee radio channel change


We developed with nRF5240 using nRF5 SDK as zigbee coordinator and I have some questions about channel change mechanism:

  1. By choosing 'coordinator' as network role at startup, is this automatically also the network channel manager as explained in Annex E of Zigbee specification https://zigbeealliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/docs-05-3474-21-0csg-zigbee-specification.pdf ?
  2. When a high value of transmit failures is detected, is channel scan done? Is channel changed?
  3. Do you manage the reception of Mgmt_NWK_Update_notify? Which actions are performed?
  4. In Zigbee spec about transmit failures, there is written: "the network manager would report to the local application using Mgmt_NWK_Update_notify and the application can force a channel change using the Mgmt_NWK_Update_req.". Do you ever notify application about this through Zigbee signal handler or any callback? Do you implemented a function that I can use to send Mgmt_NWK_Update_req to force channel change?

I've read another question about the same topic:  https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/94366/zigbee-radio-channel-selection-and-change-during-run-time/398143 
But I couldn't find the answers.

Best regards.


  • Hi Laura,

    It could be something else making the device initiate channel change, but it is difficult to say what without a sniffer log.

    Best regards,

  • Hello Marte,

    I have one last question about channel change, is it fine to use zb_set_channel_mask to change channel mask at runtime?

    The idea is to:

    • set a channel mask that allows current channel and new channel
    • move to new channel as per our previous discussion
    • set a channel mask that allows only the new channel

    Do you see any drawback? Except what we already wrote about devices not receiving the command to change channel because powered off for instance.



  • Hi Laura,

    I would not recommend changing the channel mask after the Zigbee stack has started. This might cause conflicting channels with the 802.15.4 radio since changing the Zigbee channel mask after the stack has started does not affect the 802.15.4 channel. So, for example, you might end up with a Zigbee channel mask that does not include the actual channel the 802.15.4 radio is operating on.

    However, if you are careful and know what you are doing it should be possible. In addition to zb_set_channel_mask() you should also call zb_set_bdb_primary_channel_set(). And make sure that the current 802.15.4 channel is part of the channel mask. You can get the 802.15.4 channel with nrf_802154_channel_get().

    Best regards,
