RSA example fails on psa_sign_hash returning -133

I have one problem report and some related questions:

Problem report:

When executing the RSA sampe provided with SDK 2.1.0 on the nRD5340DK board the psa_sign_hash function fails with -133 (PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED). 

The explanation PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED informs me that a policy is preventing the operation. But as I am using a unmodified sample code. I cannot see which policy change I should have caused. Can you help finding the cause of this behavior?


1) I have a requirement to implement RSA OAEP(SHA1) public key encryption using 3072 bit keys. The CryptoCell on the nRF5340 has a upper limit of 2048 bit keys. The question is, how can I implement the required encryption operation? Is using mbed_tsl directly an option or is the 2048 bit key limit also imposed on this API?

2) When attempting to do RSA OAEP(SHA1) using a supposedly supported 2048 bit key, this fails with return code -147 (PSA_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE). There are no sample code performing RSA public key encryption using the CryptoCell, is this operation not supported?

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