TWIM (I2C) on NCS is not working properly.

First of all, the fast mode should be 400kHz, but it seems to be only 200kHz according to the waveform. Also, the duty cycle seems to be wrong.

Secondly, It seems that CONFIG_I2C_CALLBACK is not working at all. I have written the callback function as follows, but it is not called.

/* Callback */
K_SEM_DEFINE(k_sem, 0, 1);
static void twim_callback(const struct device *dev, int result, void *data)
That is obvious since there is no log display and no semaphore to go through.
I am working on a project using TWIM and I hope these bugs will be fixed soon.
  • Hello,

    Just wanted to let you know that I will get to it in the following days.

    Best regards,


  • >The reason is that api->transfer is null.

    This reference is referring to the dev structure, which is obtained from the dts file. However, there is no definition of api->transfer in the dts file anywhere. This means it will always be null, and I think this function will fail no matter what. So why is it working?

  • Hello,

    I am really sorry for the delays, I am struggling a bit to find out about the internal workings of zephyr's I2C driver myself.

    I am trying to consult my colleagues to get more insight into that.

    You may want to look into the nordic's zephyr I2C driver in ncs/zephyr/drivers/i2c, i2c_nrfx_twim.c and i2c_nrfx_twi.c as well.

    There you can find this snippet:

    static const struct i2c_driver_api i2c_nrfx_twim_driver_api = {
        .configure   = i2c_nrfx_twim_configure,
        .transfer    = i2c_nrfx_twim_transfer,
        .recover_bus = i2c_nrfx_twim_recover_bus,

    Which sets the api->transfer to i2c_nrfx_twim_transfer.

    Best regards,


  • Hello,

    Sorry, I was handling another job and neglected this matter.

    As you say, i2c_nrfx_twim.c uses the i2c_driver_api structure to set up each callbacks. That of course includes i2c_nrfx_twim_transfer.
    But when I actually debug the program and look into the contents of the device structure, only the address of i2c_nrfx_twim_transfer is 0(null).
    What does this mean? I can think it is a bug.

  • Hello,

    Finally I understood. The snippet in i2c_nrfx_twim.c is wrong. Because the transfer callback element is transfer_cb, not transfer.

    Here is the snippet in i2c.h.

    __subsystem struct i2c_driver_api {
    	i2c_api_configure_t configure;
    	i2c_api_get_config_t get_config;
    	i2c_api_full_io_t transfer;
    	i2c_api_target_register_t target_register;
    	i2c_api_target_unregister_t target_unregister;
    	i2c_api_transfer_cb_t transfer_cb;
    	i2c_api_recover_bus_t recover_bus;

  • Hello,

    Finally I understood. The snippet in i2c_nrfx_twim.c is wrong. Because the transfer callback element is transfer_cb, not transfer.

    Here is the snippet in i2c.h.

    __subsystem struct i2c_driver_api {
    	i2c_api_configure_t configure;
    	i2c_api_get_config_t get_config;
    	i2c_api_full_io_t transfer;
    	i2c_api_target_register_t target_register;
    	i2c_api_target_unregister_t target_unregister;
    	i2c_api_transfer_cb_t transfer_cb;
    	i2c_api_recover_bus_t recover_bus;
