nRF Programmer cannot recognize nRF5340-DK (SEGGER JLink driver is newer than nRF Connect for Desktop version)

Hello, after installing nRF Connect and nRF Programmer v3.0.4, I cannot connect to my nRF5340-DK.

The DK is corrctly recognized as a mass storage device, and it is listed as "J-Link" (with a number below) under "SELECT DEVICE" in nRF Programmer, but if I select it, the log says "Unsupported device":

I have SEGGER JLink v7.84b (64 bit version) installed, which is newer than the driver version that came with the latest nRF Connect for Desktop.

Does nRF Programmer require exactly the JLink driver cersion that came with nRF Connect for Desktop? I have never seen a development tool that doesn't work with newer driver versions which are backward compatible. This does not make sense to me.

Do I really have to downgrade my JLink driver version? Is it okay to use 64 bit drivers or do I need te 32 bit version for nRF Programmer? Or could this problem be related to my issues during nRF Connect for Desktop installation which I discussed in my other ticket (see here)?

I never expected running into so much trouble when migrating my system to the new nRF Connect and development framework...

  • Hi.

    I never expected running into so much trouble when migrating my system to the new nRF Connect and development framework...

    Sorry to hear that you are running into so many problems. We'll do our best to help solve your issues.

    11:12:26:355 Installed JLink version does not match the provided version (V7.66a)

    Could you try again using version 7.66a and see if that solves the issue? Or you can install by the latest version of nRF-Command-Line-Tools.


  • I'm experiencing the same issue. It's exceptionally frustrating that a new product directly out of the box doesn't even pass step 1, connect.

    I can't figure out how to install the 32-bit versions of these programs, the nRF Connect for desktop just does them all automatically. 

    Bluetooth Low Energy doesn't detect anything at all.

    Programmer sees an unsupported device.

    How do I get this to work? Thanks

  • Hi Kurtws,

    As described above, my solution was as follows:

    1. Go to and download the newest J-Link driver as 32 bit (optional also 64 bit)

    2. Login with administrator account, open "Add and remove Programs" (or similiar) via the Start button, in the pop-up search for "J-Link" and remove all existing driver versions.

    3. In the administrator account, Install thedriver downloaded in step 1. (If you install both 64 bit and 32 bit, install 64 bit first.)

    4. Now nRF Programmer should work (I use it from my User account).

  • Hi Kurtws,

    As described above, my solution was as follows:

    1. Go to and download the newest J-Link driver as 32 bit (optional also 64 bit)

    2. Login with administrator account, open "Add and remove Programs" (or similiar) via the Start button, in the pop-up search for "J-Link" and remove all existing driver versions.

    3. In the administrator account, Install thedriver downloaded in step 1. (If you install both 64 bit and 32 bit, install 64 bit first.)

    4. Now nRF Programmer should work (I use it from my User account).

  • Amazing, thank you!

    I had them all installed but I guess in various orders.

    After uninstalling every j-link installation, installing the 64-bit first then 32-bit of 784d, it can be recognized by the programmer. 

    life saver

  • I tried this but I end up with the same issue:

    Programmer 3.0.7

    Simply says:

    Using JLink version: JLink_V7.86b
    Installed JLink version does not match the provided version (V7.66a)

    I made sure to install it in program files instead of program files 86.

  • Hi Steen,

    Concerning your screenshot, I also get this message, but it doesn't really matter: It's just some info that you are using a different JLink version than the one which was linked into the Programmer. (Which sholudn't be an issue in itself).

    The issue I had were the red error message, preventing the Programmer from flashing my device. The reason was that the 32 bit version of the JLink driver was missing. By the way, I do not suggest installing the 32 bit driver version into program files instead of program files 86.

    If you only have the info message from your screenshot, I suggest you just ignore it and be happy that the programmer works on your system :)
