Beware that this post is related to an SDK in maintenance mode
More Info: Consider nRF Connect SDK for new designs

How to filter on manufacturer ID when scanning for BLE advertisements?


I want to filter BLE advertisements on manufacturer ID when scanning with nrf_ble_scan. I cannot change the advertising packet, but only want to filter on packets from a certain manufacturer. Is there a way to filter in this case? Thank you in advance!

Best regards,


Parents Reply
  • If Ruuvi is not advertisiing name or manufacturer specific UUID, then it is not possible to use nrf_ble_scan module. Nevertheless, you can attempt to not use nrf_ble_scan and filter every advertising packet in your app based on manufacturer specific data (not only UUID or name). In our older SDK's (I think nRF5SDKv11 or so) we used to have examples that do this. But all newer SDKs use nrf_ble_scan module.
