MCUBoot without Partition Manager

Hi, I want to implement DFU on an nRF52832 with a mx25r1635f external flash, originally I implement the partitions and everything using the devicetree since I find it a lot more comfortable to use. I followed this proccess: , but the CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_MCUBOOT option enables the partition manager by default, is there a way to use it with the devicetree method for partitions? I saw that most applications on Zephyr do actually use the devicetree instead of the partition manager, so I expect it to be possible, but couldn't find a way to do it.

  • Hi, 

    Which NCS are you using? Is it v2.2.0? If so, You can have .conf and .overly for mcuboot as this example

    Amanda H.

  • Hi, I tried to build the code, but I'm getting a lot of error messages, I tried taking out a couple of config parameters, even after trying many combinations, I still can't make it build. Do you know what config parameters I need to use for the nRF52832 with SPI-NOR flash, not QSPI? 

  • Hi, I tried to compile the code following this process, however it uses the Partition Manager(in the build folder you can see there is a pm.config) and I don't want to use it, that was my original question, is there a way to use the DFU Update without using the partition manager?

  • Unfortunately, the Partition Manager cannot be disabled, but you can use static partitions to modify the memory layout as you desire. See Configuring static partitions and this example

    -Amanda H.

  • Ok, that's very unfortunate, but if there's no alternative I'll have to use it. So I added the pm.yml file and now I'm having trouble with defining my own partition, it gives this error:

    C:\ncs\v2.2.0\nrf\include\flash_map_pm.h:41:22: error: 'PM_lfs1_part_ID' undeclared here (not in a function)
       41 | #define PM_ID(label) PM_##label##_ID
          |                      ^~~
    C:\ncs\v2.2.0\nrf\include\flash_map_pm.h:46:35: note: in expansion of macro 'PM_ID'
       46 | #define FIXED_PARTITION_ID(label) PM_ID(label)
          |                                   ^~~~~
    c:\Projetos\Smartpet\sirros_smartpet\firmware\Smartpet_NRF52_SDK\src\Sirros_NRF52_configHandler.c:25:32: note: in expansion of macro 'FIXED_PARTITION_ID'
       25 |         .storage_dev = (void *)FIXED_PARTITION_ID(lfs1_part),

    The pm.yml file is this:

      address: 0x20200
      region: flash_primary
      size: 0xdfe00
      address: 0x0
      region: flash_primary
      size: 0x20000
      address: 0x20000
      region: flash_primary
      size: 0x200
      address: 0x20000
      orig_span: &id001
      - mcuboot_pad
      - app
      region: flash_primary
      size: 0xe0000
      span: *id001
      address: 0x20200
      orig_span: &id002
      - app
      region: flash_primary
      size: 0xdfe00
      span: *id002
      address: 0x0
      size: 0x40000
      device: flash_ctrl
      region: ram_flash
      address: 0x00000
      size: 0xe0000
      device: MX25R16
      region: external_flash
      address: 0xe0000
      size: 0x40000
      device: MX25R16
      region: external_flash
      address: 0x120000
      size: 0x6e0000
      device: MX25R16
      region: external_flash

    Do you know what I'm doing wrong?

  • Hi, 

    Are you trying to allocate a separate partition for littleFS? If so, you can take a look at this post

    The pm_static.yml example is for nRF5340 which has two cores and that might mislead you, so I have updated it for nRF52. I also update my example in the previous reply with the pm_static.yml as 

        orig_span: &id001
            - mcuboot_pad
            - app
        span: *id001
        address: 0xc000
        size: 0xf2000
        region: flash_primary
        orig_span: &id002
            - app
        span: *id002
        address: 0xc200
        size: 0xf1e00
        address: 0xfe000
        size: 0x2000
        region: flash_primary
        address: 0x0
        size: 0xf2000
        device: MX25R64
        region: external_flash
        address: 0xf2000
        size: 0x7000
        device: MX25R64
        region: external_flash
       address: 0xf9000
       size: 0x707000
       device: MX25R64
       region: external_flash 

    It would look like this

    -Amanda H.

  • I made the changes you showed, but now I'm getting this error:

    error: 'PM_MCUBOOT_SECONDARY_ID' undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean 'PM_MCUBOOT_PRIMARY_ID'

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