IntelliSense doesn't work

 Hi, with the new version of vs code (1.76) i found that intellisesnse doesn't work.. when i put the cursor over a function and click on it, nothing appear and over the cursor pops up a cloud where is printed "loading".

have somebody the same problem?

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  • yes, of course all of those options where enabled

    i solved anway.

    i just list the system include paths in the Microsoft C/C++ Extension 

    it is not good that intellisense suddenly stop working like that and needs to be manually restored...

    i don't even know also why in the image above is said that "if a compiler is specified in the compilerPath setting, it is not necessary to list the system include paths in this list" 

    and if i take off the lines i added under "${workspaceFolder}/**", intellisense doesn't work...

    yet above is specified the compiler as well:


  • Hi Simon,

    All the configuration is parsed from the build/compile_commands.json file in the build folder, which is generated when you "build". That file contains the compiler call for every file and that is parsed to create the configuration for IntelliSense. Make sure there was a build. And maybe this is why you had problem with IntelliSense.