nrF5340 SPI pins not working when BT enabled


I have developed two piece of code on for SPI and another for bluetooth, however I ran into an issue when combining them. I would like to use pins p0.10 as my MOSI and p0.11 as the CS which dont seem to be doing anything. The other two signals seem to be working fine. However it looks like those pins are used by the network core, the SPI worked when i changed those two pin configurations. I am wondering if there is a way to make it so I can use pin 0.10 as my MOSI and 0.11 as my CS.

Thank you,


Parents Reply
  • Hi thanks for the quick response, I realize I have made a typo in my previous posts, instead of MOSI the line is MISO on p0.10. I will attach some waveforms showing the logic, the mosi line will be 0x00 and the miso line expecting will be 0xff.
    This is one where I have changed the MISO line (p0.10 to p0.5) and kept the cs line on p0.11

    This is one where I have changed the cs line (p0.11 to p0.6) and kept the MISO line on p0.10

    This is one where both are p0.10 and p0.11

    As shown in the waveforms the line moved away from one of those two pins works. I would like it in my design to use p0.10 and 0.11 as my SPI lines. Upon my investigation it seems the uarte0 pins in the network core conflict with  my spi setup would this cause an issue or would it be something else if so how would i go about changing those pin configurations.
