i am using nrf connect extension in vs code with Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs2 and Nrf connect SDK 2.3.0. Our Application requirement as Shown in below Image.
Tags: Sleep -> Wakeup-> Transmit Message-> Sleep periodically in interval of 5 min. Tags are Battery Powered. how can i achieve sleep mechanism with nrf52832 soc? system off example only put whole mesh tag in Deep sleep. are there any example in which it starts mesh -> send data-> back to sleep with ~ 2.2uA current consumption?
I use this given code to put normal device in sleep:
k_sleep(K_SECONDS(10)); //sleep
pm_state_force(0u, &(struct pm_state_info){PM_STATE_SUSPEND_TO_IDLE, 0, 0}); //nrfonly switch: 2.2 uA
k_sleep(K_SECONDS(10)); //sleep