BLE Mesh on Nrf52832, Tags are Battery Powered. Advertisement and Sleep on Tag Periodically Required ~2.2uA current consumption.


i am using nrf connect extension in vs code with Zephyr OS build v3.2.99-ncs2 and Nrf connect SDK 2.3.0. Our Application requirement as Shown in below Image.


Tags: Sleep -> Wakeup-> Transmit Message-> Sleep periodically in interval of 5 min. Tags are Battery Powered. how can i achieve sleep mechanism with nrf52832 soc? system off example only put whole mesh tag in Deep sleep. are there any example in which it starts mesh -> send data-> back to sleep with ~ 2.2uA current consumption?

I use this given code to put normal device in sleep:

k_sleep(K_SECONDS(10)); //sleep
pm_state_force(0u, &(struct pm_state_info){PM_STATE_SUSPEND_TO_IDLE, 0, 0}); //nrfonly switch: 2.2 uA
k_sleep(K_SECONDS(10)); //sleep



Parents Reply
  • Hi Terje,

    This question is solely about the tags, while the other one is for the anchors?

    Yes, Tags are periodically advertise message and then goes to sleep. to save power.

    How to solve it depends on what technology should be used for the tags, for instance low power node (LPN) or plain BLE beacon.

    Tags are battery Powered with lowest power consumption. because tags are moving from one range of Anchor to Other Anchors. 

    I therefore suggest we discuss the overall architecture in the other thread, before continuing here (when we know for certain what the tags will be.)

    Got it no problem.



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