what can be the starting Point for Bachelor Thesis involving BLE 5.0 devices to be deploy in mesh Network. How the challanges in the Thesis can be address and set as a Goal...
Note: This is related to the following issues:
- https://devzone.nordicsemi.com/f/nordic-q-a/63255/nrf9160-getting-stuck-after-cell-change
- https://devzone.nordicsemi...
Hi, I am Product Manager working for Medical Device Manufacturing company based out of Ireland.
we are in search for a development house / developer who will support us...
I have so many versions of this topic that I now am certain that most of the answers provided are wrong. Since you cannot have so many ways of connecting an external nrf device...
This is actually a follow-up to my previous question here: devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../publish-timeout-handler-of-one-model-called-during-publish-timeout-handler-of-another...
I'm attempting to use the serial DFU bootloader to update my nRF52832 firmware but am unable to. I started by following this guide though I changed some things so that the...
Let me introduce you to the issue:
I am working on a custom firmware for a custom hardware, based on the nRF52832 and SD S132, as a central which need to connect...
Dear Nordic Support,
When I got my nRF9160 DK, I ran the getting started successfully then I followed the instruction from the 2 below links:
I have an issue with updating DFU by nRF Connect on iOS 12. I receive the error:
Although it is working on Android without any problem.
I am using softdevice 6...
During WDT implementation I went into flash loader problems.
It is not possible to start a new debugger session (flashing) and the system is stopped at the progress bar...
we have bought a bmd340 low energy module that we mounted on a selfmade breakout board. Now we want to read an analog value into the bluetooth module. How can we...
In the "Getting Started->Integrating Mesh into nRF5 SDK Examples" documentation for nRF Mesh SDK v3.2.0 it is stated that nRF5 SDK integration is only tested with nRF5 SDK...
Hi. I want to use nRF52840 as a gateway(connected to cloud via Ethernet). I have to transmit a vast number of nodes' data to the cloud via the gateway. To begin with I can...
Hi Sir/Miss,
We want to test advertising interval time of peripheral device to follow APPLE accessory guideline.
We found some topic on forum, it mentions that uses...
I have a custom board. It has its Tx and Rx combined into one wire bus. I am able to transmit data on the bus. But I am unable to receive any data on the board. This is because...
I have nrf9160dk. I want to give AT commands to the sdk through the processor instead of giving it from the PC i.e want to program the processor in a way so that we don't...
For testing direct advertising i used sdkv10 keyboard example, but when im disconnected device form nrf connect manually its resetting. I debug code found that in BLE_ADV_EVT_PEER_ADDR_REQUEST...
I am a newbee in BLE dev.
I try to connect the sensor to the Adafruit board thrut BLE. The sensor is Sensor it is saw on nrf connect iOS as
I mod the HRM central...