I try to run BLE HRS collector example.
when I run the project, in RTT terminal I have these error
00> sd_ble_enable: app_ram_base should be adjusted to 0x20001CD8...
Google open-sources the firmware needed to build hardware security keys
Google open-sourced today OpenSK, a Rust-based project to aid hardware vendors build hardware security...
I would like to store a simple integer value in the flash write and read after some event. I'm using the mesh example Dimming examples (experimental) in the nRF5 SDK for Mesh...
Has there been any success with getting the python bindings for the pc-ble-driver running on openwrt? I've succeeded with the driver itself but not the bindings....
Hi Nordic Team,
In my BLE project I'm creating a Test application which gets all the advertising data from peripheral devices. The complete list of scanned device is received...
Hello all,
According to the documentation and this feedback on a case there is a maximum size for a particular cert before nrf_inbuilt_key_write returns NRF_ENOBUFS . Can...
I am using nrf52840 DK, Segger Studio IDE, Win10.
My application is I want to transfer the image from iOS to the DK board.
I am aware of the Image Transfer...
I started a new laptop Windows 10 Pro
installed nRF Connect, and followed the Started Assistant
installed the toolchain
downloaded the SES (v4.20a)
I have NRF5252840-DK (evaluation board, SDK 15.3.0, S140) acting as central. It correctly scans advertising data from my peripheral - custom board with NRF52811 (same SDK...
I am working on nRF9160 DK development platform.
For that i Compile & run GPS example, But while debuging that example i find that mcu stucks in CPU Idle function...
I am currently trying to program an external module using the nordic nrf52840 development kit debug output pins. I have the following connections that I have taken from...
I would like to modify the code in the Android-nRF-Blinky application so it can scan for devices with a specified major value. After you click on the device, I would...
We are using the latest master of pc-ble-driver-py. Pairing using a passkey fails frequently. The problem seems to be that the frame with the passkey contains a corrupted...
Let's say I have 2 nrf52 Centrals in a room , now - I'm adding a peripheral and I'd like it to connect to the central with the better RSSI ( out of the 2 )
My idea...
Since there is an operation that does not know whether the behavior of Central is abnormal, please let me ask a question.
In Central, call NRF_SDH_BLE_OBSERVERS (). The...
Could you tell me how to confirm the values for FRASH_START and SRAM_START?
I use nRF52 development kit(nRF52832), nRF5_SDK_15.3.0 .
I am following the Getting...
I am creating an application in which there are ~12 elements per device and could have >20-30 devices. I would like to individually address each of these using a serial...