Nordic \ nRF5_SDK_12 nrf52832 using 2.0 _f012efa \ examples \ peripheral \ pwm_driver, pwm_driver example
Want to set up two road PWM phase is different, for example, the...
I'm using nRF52832 and S132 based on nRF5 SDK v14. I get a error code 4 when I add DFU service refer to the experimental_ble_app_buttonless_dfu . The SDK has changed so much...
I'm wondering if I can get current transmitting channel during a connection. So
Is there a way I can directly read current transmitting channel?
If not, is...
This question has to do with the observed "recursivity" of the calls to "app_sched_execute" in SDK13 as described in the previously asked question below:
How do i do ble_app beacon advertisement to one device(Android phone) whose bluetooth address is known ?? I want that beacons should only be seen in nrf_connect app of...
why use 50ms and 400ms connection interval for testing the maximum data throughput(2M,247byte payload)?
Because 50ms can only send a pdu , and 400ms can send up to 8 pdu...
I am using Keil IDE to develop nRF51822 project.
in main(), the command line
has Error : L6218E...
I'm trying to use the BSP functions to do the following.
1. Detect three different button pressing types. First - singular quick press, Second - Long Press with Timeout...
After a successful LESC bonding, the address given by p_ble_evt->evt.gap_evt.params.connected.peer_addr in a BLE_GAP_EVT_CONNECTED event is a "identity address" as expected...
I've been trying to figure out how to configure a nRF52832 device using SDK 15.2 and S132 to act as both a central and peripheral device for a relay device. In looking...
We have a custom device that has 15 buttons. Presently we use the following code to initialize and use the button interrupts. I am using a __WFE(); to wait for the next...
I got this project to compile and work:
I have the latest radio firmware at this time...
Hi Sir or Madam
nRF52832 support ANT+ function using 2.4G ISM frequency, but i am not sure the frequency list and channels number/ frequency bandwidth, is there any software...
i am trying to interface ultrasonic sensor with nrf9160, but i dont get any examples regarding ultrasonic. so i tried the interrupt method to measure the time of gpio...
nRF52832 Product Specification v1.4 states:
11.3 Writing to user information configuration registers (UICR)
User information configuration registers (UICR...
Hello Nordic team,
I'm currently looking into TLS on nRF52840, I'm using nRF SDK 15.3.0.
I have seend the DTLS example "nRF5v15.3.0\examples\iot\dtls\coap_client" that...
Hello Nordic experts,
I am doing SDK 15.3.0 usbd_hid_composite example and this is where I am:
My firmware goes into system off state when idle and wakes on GPIO (button input). I want to display an indication to the user for a fixed duration, so I will modify the bootloader...
I'm using nRF51822 chip and SDK 12.3.0 library to develop the software. We want to control the motors with PWM. But since PWM consumes a lot of power, we decided to...