when creating a pairing with a peripheral, the application fails to exhange keys to allow for random private addressing so the peripheral cannot reconnect because the address...
Hi. i'm using nRF51822AC, SDK12.2.0, S130 v2.0.1 as central.
I want to make sure that how to operate DFU.
Please check there is missing point or wrong point.
Step 1...
I'm struggling to get a mouse wheel to work in advanced (High Res) mode.
What I learned so far is that I should create a "Resolution Multiplier" Feature report....
i set up an coap/iot environment and but i was getting error while compiling code for adc i followed steps from this post devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ here is the problem
Hi all,
I've developed a broadband vibration energy harvester that is able to pick up uW of energy from just a couple Hz all the way to 150Hz. I'm currently looking for...
We use SDK12.10 Main.c (d:\nordic\5142xx\software\org-sdk12.1\nrf5_sdk_12.1.0_0d23e2a\examples\ble_central_and_peripheral\experimental\ble_app_hrs_rscs_relay.
My question...
Recently I was able to get a single read and write SPI operation to work properly with a custom nRF52832 (BL652) with SPI connection to MCP2515 (CAN SPI) using the nrf_drv_spi...
OS in development environment :Windows7 HARD :(Taiyo Yuden)EBSHSN Series Evaluation Board : Central / Peripherals CPU :(Nordic) nRF52832 / ARMR Cortex-M4F 32 bit processor...
I am attempting to import an existing IAR project to SES / GCC and am having some trouble. I recently joined the project team and we are making an effort to switch from...
So I'm trying to modify the mqtt_simple sample program to connect to azure iot
I've modified the code in a few ways but when I went to run the program it gave me...
below is the error experienced.
nrfjprog --family NRF52 --eraseall ERROR: JLinkARM DLL reported an error. Try again. If error condition ERROR: persists, run the...
I'm using a nrf51422_xxac_s110, with the Keil uvision IDE. I recently upgraded my sdk from an older version, to 12.3 in order to use some components like FDS. Consequently...
Hi guys, I'm using a HFCLK TIMER to time ADC sample capturing via PPI. This eliminates CPU+BLE usage from affecting my time keeping. I assume that each ADC sample arrives...
Do you why I could not pass the "ble_stack_init()? I did download softdevice from 0x0000-0x26000 and Application from 0x2600
int main(void) { // Initialize. log_init();...
I can run some of the samples on my nrf9160 DK, however when it comes to this one I get a assertion error err==11 that I have not yet been able to solve.
In my application I need accurate calendar capabilities such as alerts on every hour and alert on a specific hour every day. Is there any implementation of such a mode...
Want to read data from HX711 adc amplifer with wheatstone bridge loadcells, but when i run the program, my output is <info> app: ADC measuremement -8388608 all the time...
I'm a little confused by the packet rate I'm getting on Gazell. Or rather I'm confused by the low number of 'timeouts' I'm seeing - I'd expect to see more, and would like...
Hi all,
in my custom board I'm using an NRF24L01+ as RF transceiver. The relevant part of schematic follow: (hi res => https://imgur.com/a/z4nQxXh )
The following...
The nRF905 chip can be setup to different payload length. 0-31 byte
Must RX and TX unit be setup to same payload length or can RX unit be setup to ex. 20 bytes and TX unit...
There is a label on the back of the nRF9160DK.
I can find "HWID: FF:6A:B3:34:69:AC" on the label.
nRF connect can get the same string: " FF:6A:B3:34:69:AC " when...