I have a simple question. It is possible to use the ble-sniffer nrf51822 on Kali Linux? I found a guide to use it on linux but I don't know if it is the same for Kali...
I've modified Nordic's "Nordic_Keyboard" sample to work with my custom board, just simple modifications to use custom_board.h rather than the default PC10028 configuration...
I use HID application with S110 v8.0 profil.
I use BLE HID Keyboard example.
I put datas from smartphone to BOOT KEYBOARD OUTPUT REPORT and I whant read them by...
Hi all,
I use nRF51822 module and my environment is Eclipse + GCC + SDK 10.0. I refer to the example in path <SDK_PATH>/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_template, then make...
I am using nrf sniffer for trouble shooting. But it always exit unexpectedly. Wireshark was still open but the DOS window got closed.
I am attaching the log.txt.
Hi all,
I am using ble open mesh with pca10028 boards ble mesh is working fine.
I am developing a application that has to blink led in mesh( without any delay between...
I'm still on stack 8.0.0 so it might have been fixed since. I have noticed that if the other side de-asserts CTS the Nordic code will leave the TX asserted in a Break condition...
Seen on ncs v1.0.0. Adding " CONFIG_NEWLIB_LIBC=y" to the prf.conf and building the event_manager sample will replicate the error
Workaround was to comment out static_assert...
I want to wake up nRF9160 by SMS.
What I want to do:
The nRF9160 usually sleeps to reduce power consumption, and only when it receives SMS it wakes up and send some data...
HI i have issue while running the buttonless dfu with my application
I am using nRF52832 SDK15.3 SES windows 10.
I have to run my application with buttonless DFU so. i...
Question - How to enter in DFU mode using open USB bootloader example on pca10056 ?
i tried writing nRF52840DK with examples-DFU-open_botloader-pca10056_usb and usb_debug...
I recently updated SES and got a new version of nrfSDK.
Secure_boot sample does not contain Cmake. In other SDKs on github secure_boot does not exist.
What is the best way to filter info center results to match my project? I'm using SDK 1.5.1 for S132 and I think that is softdevice 6.0.0.
It would seem like a simple top...
We are currently running on mfw_nrf9160_1.0.1 and NRF master as of today (Sept 13, commit 224bee9).
We are developing an MQTT application that uses TLS mode sockets.
52832 & s112 & sd6.0 & sdk15.0
If you have multiple pairings on the same host will return error by “pm_device_identities_list_set”
Hello everyone,
I trying my nrf52832 getting ultra low power current conception mode using System OFF mode (0.3uA). I using SDK 15.2 ble_app_beacon example I change 32KHZ...
I started developing on the Adafruit nRF52 module. I wanted to make a custom PCB to demonstrate a prototype and fabricated a board with a MDBT42Q module from Raytac. I sent...
Hello, I have used the nrf52840 . I have created applicaction from existing examples of SDK which used bluetooth. And now want to add OTA via bluetooth. Is it possible use...
I am developing an app based on PCA10059 dongle. my program work fine on this dongle, but i have a problem with it. after programming PCA10059 dongle with my firmware...
Like the title,
Is it possible to disconnect ble link or stop advertising at runtime, then change the service uuid and characteristics?
I wanna to do OTA service in application...
I am able to receive motion data [rawdata] from thingy52 on my RPi 4 using bluepy library in Python3.
I want to extract the raw values of Gyro/Accl/Mag from sensor.