Is that possible to run the radio_test_example (\nRF51 SDK_v5.2.0.39364\Nordic\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\radio_test_example) on the nRF51822EK? If yes, what modifications...
we also produced self PWM for ADC wave form testing. when we stop transmission, we will get good waveform out, but when we starting transmission, output waveform shape is...
Dear Support,
I have some troubles with the Evaluation Kit for nRF51822 :
I use the broad as a central role with S120_nrf51822_1.0.0_softdevice.hex and example...
Suppose a nRF9E5 transmitter is set for continuous transmission on a channel.
A nRF9E5 receiver listening on that channel:
finds carrier and sets CD
finds address...
I will be deploying my nRF51822-powered devices into the field and the end user will not be able to have any physical access to, for example, power cycle the board. I need...
We are using the ble_app_uart example in evaluation board to read data from some sensors and send it to the nRF UART V2.0 in Android 4.4. Every 20 ms I am trying to...
to # einar thorsrud
Req: from the cap-sense board, different tap will be done by user (like 2 times tap, 3 three times tap etc). so the Bluetooth board (nrf52) will receive...
I am writing an app to utilise the new LESC feature using Diffie Hellman related pairing. I am testing the app against the Nordic provided ble_app_multirole_lesc. I...
with SDK 10 I found 2 SPI libraries, spi_w5_master and nrf_driv_spi . I hesitate between them.
what' the difference between them? and what should I use when I'm using app_timer...
I saw this tutorial:
nRF51 current consumption guide
It's specifically directed to the nRF51, but I guess the principles of Tuning Advertising parameters must be general...
i'm looking to use only one timer for two independent activities:
battery service (as in Nordic examples) and
a routine to detect a certain button press pattern ...
Hi everybody.
I am makeing a custom circuit for nrf51822 CEAA. This circuit supports ANCS and DFU (nrf sdk 9.0.0). I use only external high frequency (16MHz) oscillator...
Forgive me if there is an obvious answer to this; thanks for your patience.
I'm a long time developer but new to the area of BT in general. After a day or so starting with...
Rudimentary question about DFU; thanks for your patience.
I'm developing an app for a "headless" (no buttons, no led's) ble application which will have a companion mobile...
I am trying to get the pstorage module to work with our application and FreeRTOS. At the moment I keep crashing on port_cmsis::prvTaskExitError().
The pstorage documentation...
Nordic Community and Developers,
I am trying to measure current on my custom Development board.....But I found out that it is consuming too much current on the chip...
I am writing here because I am trying to change some concrete values from a .hex file in order to vary some BLE and other values. I need this because I need to generate...