I debugging some function abnormal after OTA problem, and problem with disappear after redo OTA FW upgrade, duirng it I found a problem about Master Control Panel FW upgrade...
i want to build a BLE mesh via advertising. i asked some questions before about ibeacon and observer, how ever to clarify my question i have some additional questions...
I have set nRF51822 Evaluation Kit. With its help, I would like to read the pulse of the heart rate monitor:
link text
I manage to connect to it using the...
Does the s110 stack allow retrying pairing procedure?
It looks like the stack (peripheral) always ends with disconnect upon invalid passkey.
We would like to explore the...
Hi Guys,
since yesterday i am trying to get the DFU with Softdevice S110 (BLE) v7-alpha3 working but haven't succeeded yet. My process is the following:
I have a customer that wants to be able to have a single nRF51822 sends sensor information to two iphones at the same time. Is this possible? Can you pair a peripheral to...
I have a question....
I have real ECG device and I almost got PCA10001 development board. Studying about PCA10001 I noticed that this board has ADC. I downloaded...
It is not transparent to me, how can I determine this value? Is it a best practices value?
I want to implement Tx Power profile but I don't know where to get this...
Dear Nordic support team,
What is the maximum number of timers that I can create (and use) using the app_timer lib?
err_code = app_timer_create(&m_timer_m_1_0,
I've recently started sharing development activities with another developer. I created a GIT from the folder: C:\Keil\ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51822\Board\pca10001\ble\myProjectFolder...
I'm leveraging off the heart rate sensor example to create my own VS service. I've successfully registered a 128-bit UUID with the Soft Device which is enumerated along with...
i get the example for using PWM to run and modfied it to use it in my application. My Prolem is that i only have one PWM Output toggle Pin. How can i build a second...
I'm using the MCP to send a long to a nrf6310 board loaded with SD v6. The board hangs when I send a long though, is this due to the MCP not being set up to send longs...
I have the nRF51822 Evaluation Kit. I have run the basic code examples like 'Blinky' and the BlueTooth HRS (Heart Rate) application, successfully.
Now I would like...
Is it possible to give a function address to the "Task End-Point" of a PPI channel?
Like :
err_code = sd_ppi_channel_assign(PPI_CHAN0_TO_TOGGLE_LED,
I am designing a device that needs to operate both as a Peripheral (such as a Heart Rate sensor) and also as a Central so it can optionally connect and gather data from other...
in my application I have a device that has to be controlled by a remote control. For transmitting data between the remote and the device I would like to use BLE (not...