I'm having some trouble successfully entering ON,IDLE mode. I have pared-down my application to do the following:
Initializes the app_timer using the scheduler:
I want to control GPIO toggle by PPI. Timer1 is in timer mode. CC[0] is 1000, and CC[1] is 8000.
I use compare[0] to toggle gpio18 by PPI. I also want to use compare[1] to...
I use two evk board to connected and test the uart serialization sample(ble_s110_serialization), one is ble_app_hrs and one is ble_app_connectivity. But I have one...
I am getting get BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST and BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE event, when writing to ble device, sample code did not handle these event, and seems no document...
Why do I erase SDK5.2 version of flash and read not, in SDK4.2 can. I tested nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\flashwrite_example is a good example.However...
before i write the flash, it has been erased.so ,its value is all 0xff.
when i write 0x00 to flash address 0x0001,the value read out is not 0x00 but 0x01,and the value in...
I try to set up an external signal for the LFCLK on a nrf52832. From this question :
I know the nrf52832 can do this (signal on XL1 pin, XL2 grounded).
I am working on development to concurrent multiprotocol: BLE+2.4G proprietary. I am using timeslot feature in S132.
Because in my own 2.4g proprietary protocol, the...
I want to use feature reports in my HID project, but as far as I see this functionality is not fully included in ble_hids.c (SDK 11). I already managed to properly receive...
I want to advertise in variable intervals and mostly only one advertisement at a time. I planned to do it like this:
1- start advertising with any interval (e.g...
I followed the example for doing 128 bit UUID advertising using ble_app_uart example. The problem is, this seems to work if I run it when the radio and controller...
I have my custom nRF51822 board based on Raytac MDBT40-P module. I am trying to program it with nRF51-DK(PCA10028). I could program it with mbed interface once or twice...
I want to implement Advertising with the Timeslot API. I only need non-connectable advertisements but I want to be able to control the transmit power.
Which example...
Hello all,
I would like to understand advertisement packet more.
if I add the following to my packet my firmware causes nrf51822 to crash.
i am working with the Enhanced ShockBurst proprietary protocol and i am wondering where I can find the sources of this protocol, so that I can do some changes. ...
I'm using the BMD-200-EVAL S board (using Segger JLink). I've defined SCL and SDA as:
When debugging into the...
As title, where can I find the syntax for this editor?
If it does not exist,
Q1. How can I put sample source code block?
Q2. How can I put new line only? (without...
What's the maximum current for nRF52832 when only CPU is running from RAM at 64MHz (DCDC 3V condition)?
From Product specification v1.0 page 18, does the value "3...
[uart - Copy.rar](/a master _error.png ttachment/3cc01f5e2484d2b0f33e62befd3e6a62)
hello there
I am interfacing master nrf51 dk with nxp's slave lpc11u24
(1) my main...
I'm trying to set up DTM environment with my DUT(Own device, using nRF51822) and a nRF51DK for Lower Tester, referencing the document, nAN34_v1.0, "Setting up production test...