I use two evk board to connected and test the uart serialization sample(ble_s110_serialization), one is ble_app_hrs and one is ble_app_connectivity. But I have one...
I am getting get BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST and BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE event, when writing to ble device, sample code did not handle these event, and seems no document...
Why do I erase SDK5.2 version of flash and read not, in SDK4.2 can. I tested nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\flashwrite_example is a good example.However...
before i write the flash, it has been erased.so ,its value is all 0xff.
when i write 0x00 to flash address 0x0001,the value read out is not 0x00 but 0x01,and the value in...
I'm looking for a way to use the nordic uart service ( devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ble_sdk_app_nus_eval.html) from Linux using the native Linux BLE Stack (BlueZ). My application...
I've created an application using the S110 experimental ANCS demo. I successfully implemented ANCS and then began to structure my application around it. At some point...
I am having issues waking up nRF52 with s132 using the RTC interrupt. The same code is used on nRF51 with s130 and does not show this behavior.
The RTC is configured and...
is it possible to have the same configuration as in the example ble_central_and_peripheral but with ant+ as peripheral (on nRF52)?
Thank you for your attention
I am doing externally triggered SPIM transfer on the Nrf52 using PPI.
I found that the NRF_SPIM_TASK_SUSPEND is a very power hungry operation as SPI suspend waits for the...
I have a nRF52-DK and I am trying to programme an external designed by myself but this one contains the nRF51422 chip. I am using nRFGO Studio to upload the .HEX...
I consider using " nRF OpenMesh " to implement my project.
But, I have no idea bout what's the throughput of it.
Anyone has an idea?
I find the max. content of advertisement...
Hello, I'm trying to make two nRF52832 connect to each other on their own. Currently, it seems that the ble addresses are reversed when printed by ble_gap_addr_print in different...
I'm looking for a solution to achieve best possible resolution timestamps of received advertising packets for BLE. Is there any specific chip that you would recommend...
Hi there!
I searched the forum and didn't find any clear answer.
nrf52 programming pins are SWDIO and SWDCLK and chip can be programmed.
When nrf52 is part of a pcb...
I am trying to Port the BLE BEACON source code of PCA 20006 to PCA 10028 EK.
I have changed the IROM settings.
I have initialized the soft device handler to NRF_CLOCK_LFCLKSRC_XTAL_20_PPM...
I am trying to understand how can I have a running counter based on the low power 32.768 KHz oscilator that does not trigger any timeout interrupts (I am using the soft...
I have a nRF52 to nRF52 connection. I want to secure it (auth and if possible encryption) with a pre shared key. What are the points that I have to modify please...
NRF52,S132 soft device,
I am trying to toggle GPIO 10 (NFC pins Enabled as GPIO)in a 1us Timer, But its not happening , What may be the issue? Am using Timer 4. What is the...