I want to control GPIO toggle by PPI. Timer1 is in timer mode. CC[0] is 1000, and CC[1] is 8000.
I use compare[0] to toggle gpio18 by PPI. I also want to use compare[1] to...
I use two evk board to connected and test the uart serialization sample(ble_s110_serialization), one is ble_app_hrs and one is ble_app_connectivity. But I have one...
I am getting get BLE_EVT_USER_MEM_REQUEST and BLE_GAP_EVT_CONN_PARAM_UPDATE event, when writing to ble device, sample code did not handle these event, and seems no document...
Why do I erase SDK5.2 version of flash and read not, in SDK4.2 can. I tested nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364\nrf51822\Board\nrf6310\flashwrite_example is a good example.However...
before i write the flash, it has been erased.so ,its value is all 0xff.
when i write 0x00 to flash address 0x0001,the value read out is not 0x00 but 0x01,and the value in...
I'm looking for a way to use the nordic uart service ( devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../ble_sdk_app_nus_eval.html) from Linux using the native Linux BLE Stack (BlueZ). My application...
my device resets on executing sd_softdevice_enable(p_clock_lf_cfg, softdevice_fault_handler);
I have external 32KHZ crystal. I also know that software works because...
Hi all,
I have a quesion about reading a value's characteristic in the Android app nrf Master control panel.
I read a value, and i have the good value but i have a letter...
What happens if I call app_timer_start() to start a repeated timer. And at the same time I do a pstorage_clear() and pstorage_store()? Will the timer events get halted during...
I'm using the softdevice S310 on nRF51422 and when the softdevice is enable and I erase flash, the device won't go to sleep.
My code implementation is like as below:
There is a way to set the initial value of a characteristic. But how do I set the value after this without sending a notify to the master? Is it possible to write the value...
i want use the port event to trigger timer 1. I need only one interrupt source and i don't want to use the pin event because of the higher current consumption. Its...
are there any cheap watch platforms that use nordic?
i want to make a kid alarm / potty alarm watch
do not want to develop hardware
would use nordic if i can find...
when i m using only Proximity . when I use
- (void) centralManager:(CBCentralManager ) manager didPeripheralSelected:(CBPeripheral*) peripheral;*
this method in ProximityViewController...
I'm trying to transfer data received from BLE to SPI. When the handler of my service in BLE is achieved I transfer the data I received to SPI.
I know the max that...
Hi all,
I am using ble mesh code, it has version based. For my application( needs to blink led synchronously in mesh) i don't need version part, so i tried with using if...