The International Conference on Embedded Wireless Systems and Networks will host also this year a dependability competition to benchmark the performance of state-of-the-art...
I find the CSCS example program reading zero at low cadence levels below around 50 rpm.
Using ble_peripheral example ble_app_cscs loaded into the PCA10040 board or...
I had manged to deploy and configure mesh networks on Nordic Thingy devices based on these 2 examples separately. 1. Generic OnOff models
I am unable to access my SRJ profile with email id [email protected] due to two factor authentication. i do not get anything in the google authentication app...
The link for downloading nRF6939 live cd v5.4 is broken.
Using one ADC, the current can be reduced to about 40uA after the ADC value is taken. Using a two-channel ADC, after the ADC value is taken, the current stops at about 0.4...
We know most of access contol for entrance was implmented by RFID. Is it feasible to design it by BT4.0? My idea is as below. Thanks for your comment.
There is a...
I have a nrf51422 EK. I follow the steps in nrf51422_Evaluation_Kit_User_Guide v1.1.pdf but I couldnt do blinky_example project to works. In debugger mode, I see that...
I'm using the rRF51 DK with Segger Jtag. In the demo Keil version, I set up Segger jtag to NOT cache memory. When I look at a memory view in Keil, the memory is not being...
I tried DFU OTA in nRF6310 board as SDK document guided but it cannot work.
Boot loader is from SDK5.0.0 device_firmware_updates project..
SoftDev is v6.0.0....
It appears that the current version of Master Emulator v3.5.0 does not include support for long-writes. I know that SD110 v6.0.0 does support long-writes and my application...
Chip: NRF51822
softstack version: 5.2.1
I ran into an issue and i'm trying to understand it better. I was calling the function sd_ble_gatts_value_set(...) from a GPIOTE...
We are having some problems with a board that we developed using the NRF51822, see this post:
New to BLE and nRF51822. I need some explanation and clarification of connections and connection intervals. Can I get a overview of how the nRF51822 or answer some questions...
I get a But why s310_nrf51422_1.0.0-2.alpha_softdevice.hex is bigger than 256K(287K),How can I burn this hex file into the nrf51422 Flash?
I am using the nRF51822 evaluation kit, and have been unable to get it working. I compiled the sample BLE Heart Rate sensor program and uploaded it to the evaluation...
Neither in BLE core specification nor in your documentation I found a hint, how the size of white list is defined and what the limits are.
At the Link
Hi All,
I am a beginner with nordic nrf 51822. I am confused between so many code development tools.I have a usb based nrf 51822 development board. I prefer to use microsoft...
As far as I know there is a restriction in older bluetooth versions for number of slaves in a star network. 6 slaves can access same master, totally 7 units in a star topology...