The link for downloading nRF6939 live cd v5.4 is broken.
Using one ADC, the current can be reduced to about 40uA after the ADC value is taken. Using a two-channel ADC, after the ADC value is taken, the current stops at about 0.4...
I'm searching for a software engineer who can help us getting OTA support between nRF52810 and PIC16 MCU.
nRF52810 must have command- and data mode over UART, Pic controler...
I want to be able to read the gyro and accelerometer values from the MPU6050 sensor.
As a base start I downloaded the NRF5 SDK V15.3.0 and modified twi_sensor_pca10056 program...
Hi. I'm using nRF52832, SDK13.0.0.
I should use SHA256 and MD5.
I made my code as below.
NRF_CRYPTO_HASH_CREATE(init_packet_hash, SHA256); NRF_CRYPTO_HASH_CREATE(init_packet_md5...
Hi. I'm using nRF52832, SDK13.0.0.
I want to use SHA256 as below.
output32Byte = SHA256[input32Byte];
Which function or example can I refer to?
And also I want to...
I tried to port the example "ble_app_ipsp_initiator" to pc-ble-driver and run on Linux. The peer device is another PCA10056 device running ble_app_ipsp_acceptor. The problem...
With nRFgo Studio, I define the services in the nRF8001: I create the pipes I need, and so on...
Is there any way to increase the number of credits (i.e. the number of...
Where do I find a measurement report from Nordic which shows the average current consumption for a typical BLE application (1 seconds advertising period e.g.)?
I a writing my own interrupt and DMA based code for sending commands and getting events from the nRF8001. The 8001 creates an event for every command, but if you want to clock...
Hi ,
i read tha the default profile for BLE is GATT but in the BLE_templete GAP is used. How can i interpret this? Which Profile i have to use when i wannt support for...
My idea of sending a packet would be:
-regulary send a packet with fixed length (stated in static length field) to a base: i.e send the temperature =>4byte
I use the nRF51822 on the PCA10001 and nRF6310/PCA10005 boards. I modified the radio_tx_example and wanted to read the actual state of the radio. Therefore I used a...
Could I modify HID report descriptor length over 255 bytes? In Desktop1.2.2.293, the returned descriptor size is only decided by wLength LSB byte and ignores MSB byte...
I am trying to figure out how I can advertise with a custom UUID...
I know I have to start by adding a base address and then build on top of it. However, when I try...
I have a system that uses 5-byte addresses. The first 4 bytes are always the same, but the last byte has 4 different values. For test purpose I want to listen, from another...
Title says it all. My id/pw is not working here. (But it isn't working there either. I'm getting the following error, which I presume is some breakage in the...
I have a customer that wants to be able to have a single nRF51822 sends sensor information to two iphones at the same time. Is this possible? Can you pair a peripheral to...
I have a question....
I have real ECG device and I almost got PCA10001 development board. Studying about PCA10001 I noticed that this board has ADC. I downloaded...