It seems the LTE-M / NB IoT isn't available Europe-wide yet, and roaming applies country-wise.
Can anybody share his/her experience of using the BLG840F?
thank you.
I am trying to build a thread network using a border router nRF52840 with a Raspi3B+ and 2 others end-devices nRF52840 connected on a CPU Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
I have...
I have a nRF52 DK board and I am trying to build a BLE peripheral with both connectable advertisement (custom with my own name and service) and unconnectable advertisement...
I'm exploring the hid peripheral example with 52832 Dev Kit and made it working correctly. While, when I was tring to connect to it with nRFConnect, I found that the...
I'm exploring the hid peripheral example with 52832 Dev Kit and made it working correctly. While, when I was tring to connect to it with nRFConnect, I found that the...
I have a PCB with an nRf51822 @1.8V, using the SDK 10 (no chance to change it).
The PCB itself with everything but the nRF (we did not iron it on purpose to measure consumption...
I have downloaded the motion_driver_6.12 for Nordic Thingy 52 as given in the readme.txt file. And I am using Segger Embedded Studio to build and debug the code. But the IDE...
This is a simple question: If I have a characteristic with, let's say an int16_t in it and catch the write event in a ble_gatts_evt_write_t structure - is the data field in...
I am working on bill of materials that asks for part NRF52832-CEAA, is this a valid part number as I have been told by distribution this is not a valid part number?
I just needed some clarification as I'm migrating from SDK 6.1 to SDK10:
app_button: There's no way to have the Button function thru the Scheduler anymore. I would...
i am using latest "master control panel" v4.0.5 and latest "nRF tool box" v1.16.2
and use sdk 5.2(its compulsory)
soft-device s110 v6.2.1(its compulsory)
and PCA10028 with...
Hello everyone,
Could anyone tell me which pins are the programming pins of the nRF51822 chip for a QFN48 packet ? How can I program it on my custom PCB?
We are planning to use nRF52 for its superior computing power in an application. Unfortunately it appears that the throughput is more limited than on nRF51. Since we need...
I used two 51822 modules for my project. One should send a byte and other one should receive.
I used the exact same configurations of radio examples (transmitter and...
I am trying to read an analog value on the GPIO port into my application. Looking through the examples, there aren't any that help solve this problem as the ADC example is...
I have tried to follow the installation instructions and have installed nRFGoStudio, the Keil MDK-ARM, and downloaded the latest nRF52 SDK. I also installed all of the device...
Iam a beginner to NRF51 and Iot.
I want to be able to send messages from raspberry pie to NRF51 dk and vice versa via Bluetooth.
Iam using a generic Bluetooth dongle...
Hi ,
I've just started using a Nordic's product : an nRF51 422 QFAC develepement Kit
I was running tests by loading examples on this board when I lost the connection between...
I am building my application up on the blinky free rtos. I want to use RTC and ble stack. i am initialising RTC1 first and ble stack stact.
The problem is that I am getting...
I am using nordic nrf8002 BLE with a breakout board & not a developement kit. I gave 3.3v supply in different combinations:
(1)3.3v to vdd pin-1, GND to vss pin-4
Is any SDK available which has single bank BLE DFU bootloader source code?
If No then is it possible to convert dual bank BLE dfu bootloader into single bank BLE dfu bootloader...