Dear nordic employee
my purpose is send a data the length is from 150 to 273
when my server device send data by sd_ble_gatts_hvx(the send length is fixed 10 bytes) ...
Dear nordic employee:
The service I want to find is the sound service of the thing52 thingy sound service
I tried to modify the HRT_central_client project to find the...
When I was using the device as peripheral, I was wondering when the Softdevice notified BLE_GAP_EVT_SEC_PARAMS_REQUEST and BLE_EVT_SEC_INFO_REQUEST:
1, when peripheral...
hi dear nordic employee:
I tried to build the project ble_app_hrs_c(pca10040) by keil5
but I get an error :
._build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section...
I am a bit confused about power consumption when using app_uart_fifo. To save power I put MCU to sleep in between each sent and received byte by using __WFE and __SEV...
Hi! I am building an android app for my project. I am using Proximity , UART and DFU from nrfToolbox app. I have 3 buttons on my home screen dedicated for each of them. I...
Dear Nordic employee:
1、 what do I have?
I have a thingy52 develop kit(nrf52832)
2、what is my purpose?
the quality of thingy52 audio demo is not good(iphone7)...
My six nrf51822 modules died after I erase flash and download "ble bcast mesh" (with sd110 8.0.0)
At first time, I download firmware...
my makefile use to work before i add the twi nrf_drv_twi.c file and included the directory
INC_PATHS += -I$(abspath ../../../../../../components/drivers_nrf/ nrf_soc_nosd...
I upgraded the Segger J-Link software from 4.98c to 5.02h. I did this because I was getting some windows pop ups when starting Master Contol Panel on my nRF51 dongle...
Can anybody provide me with the BLE LE Secure Connections multirole example hex file?
Specifically I'm looking for the "ble_app_multirole_lesc_s132_pca10040.hex"
My IDE...
we are planning to implement RTOS in our application. we are exploring both freertos and rtx. any comments on these parameters will help us in making the decision;...
The search function is broken on the devzone. I am not able to search posts by tags.
For instance, if I'd like to look for the tag nrf51822 , this request does...
Hi In my project I need to add Characteristic Valid Range descriptor and Characteristic Presentation Format descriptor to characteristics. I added Characteristic Presentation...
I am using the NRF51 developement kit. I have dongle flashed with the Master control panel firmware. On the pca10028 board I compiled and flashed an example heart rate...
Hi All,
I'm new in developing BLE 4.0 device, now have a project is adding LBS(led button service) to a standard ble HID keyboard application in SDK 9.0, the reason why...
Hi all, i am experiencing a problem, that i exposed maybe not so clearly on other topics; i have a a smart beacon kit that is sending temperature values by notification (as...
What is the difference of " Peripheral connection event " and " central connection event " ?
I mean which one i'm supposed to see in the side of the peripheral ? (im connectiong...
we are planning to implement RTOS in our application. we are exploring both freertos and rtx. any comments on these parameters will help us in making the decision;...
I need to write some code at the NDK level to access some Bluetooth features that aren't exposed at the Java level. For example, I want to have a 2nd bluetooth adapter on...
SDK Version: 9.0.0 Softdevice: S110 v8.0.0
I'm currently trying to send streams of data from an Android app to a nrf51. However, at some point, Android side writes to the...