I am using ble_app_gls example and I have implemented static passkey in the code. Now I want to see if wireshark shows the passkey when I connect to ble devices. For...
Hi Team,
We are implementing an UART communication between a M4 processor (UART master) and a nRF51 (UART slave) and we want to use the UART in Low Power mode with flow...
Hello everybody,
for my project, i will bond the peripherial with the central.
I test my device with the MCP and can connect without problems. When i press the Bond Button...
Hi all,
I am trying to count the positive edges of a 3.5MHz signal with GPIOTE, PPI and the TIMER1. Unfortunately i can only measure to frequencies up to a little more...
Loaded Softdevice S140, ( Using NRF52840 DK board ) using NRFgo Studio.
App flash base is set to 0x00021000 and app RAM base is set to 0x20003000
Looking at the CPU...
In our earlier projects with nRF51 and SDK 8 we used to have bluetooth device names of length 13 or 14 characters. However, when using nRF52 and SDK 12 I noticed that the...
Does the Antenna in this Beacon relates with this "BAL-NRF02D3 '50 ohm balun transformer for 2.45GHz ISM"? Any idea what's this "BAL-NRF02D3" for? many thanks!
i'm trying a bluetooth connection between nrf UART v2.0 installed on my phone(android 4.4) and nRF 8001 (i'm usign nRF2740 card). My microcontroller is a STM32....
I made my own board using nRF51822AC.
I want to connect this board to PCA10028.
There is Debug OUT port(P19).
I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130.
Example code is using "ble_db_discovery_start()" function to discover peripheral.
In this function, there is "SRV_DISC_START_HANDLE...
Hi. I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130.
I'm testing External interrupt.
Current concumption was just 50uA around(low speed advertising mode).
But It goes 1mA around...
I'm working on a network of nodes with more than 300 nodes
each node is constructed by (1 arduino nano,humidity sensor, 1 relay and NRF24L01 +)
I'm working with the...
Hello. I'm trying to understand twi_sensor sample code on nRF51. (nRF51_SDK_10.0.0_dc26b5e\examples\peripheral\twi_sensor)
I have a trouble finding where the function twi_handler...
i've bought the nrf52832 Preview DK some time ago, are there any big changes to the new DK? So if i buy a new nrf52832 IC i can desolder the old IC and use the new...
If I have some value and this value has become out of desired range I want to change property from indicate to notify.
I only found function sd_ble_gatts_characteristic_add...
I'm developing an application for a device which needs to support both DFU and some method of restricting connections to a single central (ie: bonding). This is a challenge...
Is there have any tutorial for how to create GATT service on the MCP(master control panel app) and what coding do we need to add to the project?
Hi, I would like to put a nrf51822 device into system off mode and wake it up with a GPIO transition from high to low.
I would like to measure the press time of the button...
I'm using JLinkExe ( J link commander ) for Linux to flash the application firmware on NRF51822_QF_AA target. The following have worked so far, but I'd like to confirm and...
I am upgrading to SDK 11.0.0 and S130 v2.0.0 from SDK 9.0.0 and S130 1.0.0 and I am stuck with an error when I call sd_ble_gap_adv_start. Here's the code that now fails...