Does rbc_mesh_value_enable() API is designed for ? and how should I use it? and what does its parameter handle mean? Is it has the same meanning as the parameter handle of...
I use two nRF51822 boards running the ble_mesh_gateway sample project. I have modify the project slightly so to work on my board(juts modify the GPIO configuration , LED and...
I use nrf51822 HID keyboard.
How to add a game-pad report as a second report in the ble_hid_keyboard ?
How to init the function hids_init() in SDK.
VPN Solutions are a guaranteed private network association constructed on top of infrastructure that is publicly available. vpn connection free Providers provide an alternative...
I am writing an iOS code using Swift3 to connect an iOS10 device to nRF52 pca10040 and blink an LED. The nRFConnect on iOS can easily connect using the device name...
void in_pin_handler (nrf_drv_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action)
This function work with interupt event (push...
here I have a very strange problem. I m trying to send the data(1 byte) from slave to master,and I have to use the multilink demo because I will have 2 slave devices.
I'm having issues implementing ADC sampling to my ble project.
I'm using the nRF51-DK with SDK11 and S130. I used the example from github (
I want to update over BLE with using DFU tool. But do not start updating process.
DFU tool indicates "Enabling DFU Bootloader".
Bootloader stops at memcpy() of dfu_ble_peer_data_set...
Hi there,
I am now in FCC stage and finalizing a FCC code using the radio test sample code. I do have a delimma on what type of radio mode I have to use. Will you please...
I am working on a school project, and I need to use a nRF51 dongle as a BLE master. However, when I try to use JLinkExe to connect to the dongle, it fails all the time...
Hi am using NRF52 board ...and am trying to send data(which is not a string) using ble_bus_string_send . I send data only once from a one second timer but the other side is...
Hi all!
I'm working on an nrf51822 (technically right now I'm using the PTR5518 as I'm still prototpying), and trying to set up a voltage divider on my pcb in order to...
Hi,I am debuging my programm base on SD-110-V6.0.0 ,sdk-V5.2.0. When I use the
static void characteristic_disc_req_send(const ble_ans_c_t * p_ans, const ble_gattc_handle_range_t...
Hi everyone,
I have a nrf51-dk. I am running Master Control Panel app on my win7 computer. However, I cannot see my nrf51-dk in discovered devices section. Log says, Loading...
I am working on an application for the nRF52 Preview board, using SDK 0.9.2. I need to acquire about five analog samples from a single channel at roughly 100 Hz, then wait...
I use SDK9.0,SD8.0,the device is 51822AC,the device can enter to Bootloader mode.
As it shows below.
Then I selected the .zip file to start DFU
But when it reached...
I'm trying to do all my development on linux, mostly so that I can use a continuous integration environment. I'm setting up a server to compile my firmware app on every pull...
Hello I am currently using the NRF52 DK2 PCA10040 with S132 soft device (nRF52 SDK v0.9.2) . I have setup my code to sample 4 analog pins periodically. I configured double...
Hi everyone,
Well, our device is based on NRF 51822 CFAC MCU. It’s an ibeacon based device which advertises and receives data frequently, and writes data into flash memory...
I have a project that uses PStorage and the Nordic UART Service. PStorage is used to store a variable that is updated by the device, irrespective of the Bluetooth,...
From ble device I have to send some data or character to mobile in connected mode. After sending that data the device is not going to sleep mode while connected...