I use nrf51822 HID keyboard.
How to add a game-pad report as a second report in the ble_hid_keyboard ?
How to init the function hids_init() in SDK.
VPN Solutions are a guaranteed private network association constructed on top of infrastructure that is publicly available. vpn connection free Providers provide an alternative...
I am writing an iOS code using Swift3 to connect an iOS10 device to nRF52 pca10040 and blink an LED. The nRFConnect on iOS can easily connect using the device name...
void in_pin_handler (nrf_drv_gpiote_pin_t pin, nrf_gpiote_polarity_t action)
This function work with interupt event (push...
here I have a very strange problem. I m trying to send the data(1 byte) from slave to master,and I have to use the multilink demo because I will have 2 slave devices.
I'd like to erase all the pages managed by FDS as part of a "Hard Reset" operation. fds.c has a hint of a "FRESH_INSTALL" directive (part of an enum defined in fds_internal_defs...
SDK v10
SD S110 v8
My pj is about ANCS+nus+hid mouse sevices.
If my borad had bonded with an iPhone,then download new hex from mdk ,and run.
I'm trying to debug my program after trying out the DFU example (specifically dfu/bootloader/pca10040/dual_bank_serial_s132).
Using my Segger J-Link, I run 'erase...
I'm using the nRF52832 QFAAB0 with IAR Embedded Workbench IDE.
I have "nRF5x_MDK_8_5_0_IAR.msi" installed.
Inside IAR i have the device selected as "NordicSemi...
I'm trying to write a small program in mbed that relays incoming UART BLE messages to the USB UART.
What is the proper way to setup notifications?
Right now, if I call ble...
Warning: This might be a bit of a rant.
Is there going to be an effort made to make more of the nRF52 hardware drivers compatible with FreeRTOS?
Hopefully constructive...
I am starting from ble_app_multilink_central example in SDK11.
Per the comment, when updating the number of central links, RAM setting should also be updated...
i am using pca10028 with S130v2
We'd like to use a couple of services as we have to deal with a number of external interfaces.
Sadly we cannot get more than 4 services...
Hi there,
I'd like the ability to hold some data locally then resynchronize once the central reconnects.
Are there any example projects that demo this?
What is the...
i am not able to send (write characteristic) from android at a higher transfer-rate than 2.3 kbit/second.
With another Bluetooth LE peripheral i get more than 100kbit...
Hi all, i have a nrf51 Development kit and a nrf51822 smart beacon kit and I want to read them in Matlab using the bluetooth receiver of my laptop. I used the instrumentation...
hi all
i try to write in volatile memory but after the second (the first is ok) writing the nrf8001 response me with 0x84 0x08 0x81 -> Internal Error
i don't know why
Hi, apologies for my ignorance but I'm confused by something. I'm looking to add a PA and was thinking of using the RFAxis RFX2401C like many of those nRF24L01+, PA and LNA...
Hi All,
Please tell is ble mesh is it work for nrf51822 EK, the code is taken from this link: github.com/.../nRF51-ble-bcast-mesh . the code provided in this link, is tested...
We have made a bare minimum prototype with nrf51422 QFN chip following the reference schematic for internal LDO setup in 11.5.1 section of nrf51422_PS_v3.1. It is built on...
Am using NRF52 S132 softdevice,
I have a use case like when I press a button , I should turn off BLE. So I enabled an interrupt for button. Whenever this button is pressed...
i am using nrf51822 to develop our product. I'll try to describe more details to make you understand more clearly.
While testing my project, I had...