Has anyone converted the Adafruit graphics library for Arduino, Adafruit_GFX.h, to be compatible with the nRF51?
Could you please advise on how to convert this Arduino...
Hi all,
I have a few questions:
How is that ADC's common mode rejection capabilities? Rejection for 60 Hz interference, etc...
The datasheet has "typical...
Hi all !
I'm trying to evaluate the throughput i can have between a Motorola 4G and the nrf51. The nRF51 is the peripheral and the phone is acting as a central.
To do...
I have a digital microphone chip, it has the CLK, DATA, LR_SEL three pins, now I will pick up the three pin nrf5283 three pin is as follows: CLK connectionI2S_CONFIG_SCK_PIN...
Hello, Nordic Team, I'm embedded designer from Russia, discovered your amazing wireless MCU NRF52832. I looked through your SDK and peripheral drivers, and unfortunately found...
Thanks Stefan. The zip file making and updating steps work perfectly for me, if I follow your steps and make it from your stock pre-built "dfu_test_app_hrm_s132.hex". My question...
We have conducted some form of RF performance test at various battery voltages (3V, 2.5V and 2V). And the results we got shows significant degradation in performance at lower...
thank all kind developers.
i need make my board as a central.
when i overview the source code,the function 'scan_start' contain the function ' bsp_indicayation_set...
i wanna know that if the buttons_leds_init assigned three buttons at once.
And i noticed that the function name is 'advertising_buttons_configure...
Hi All,
We are in design phase of our project, which uses two NRF52 chipset one as master and Central , We have some prewritten content in Flash, which need to be read...
I ´m testing gpiote interrupt, i´m work with nrf51-dk, softdevice S110 and sdk 9.0.0.
I have a pin that receives a signal 0 all time, and it changes to 1 when I have to...
Hi, I'm using SDK 7.2 and S110 7.1.
I haven't mirgrated to SDK 10 yet.
I'm using the HRS and bootloader (which uses dual bank and BLE OTA) example.
After I select...
I am using nRF51 with Softdevice S110 to do a BLE peripheral, I want to have pin-code authentication before central device (or android phone) can connect to the peripheral...
ble_app_hrs_rscs_relay.hex the application ble_app_hrs_rscs_relay in SDK v9 can run fine,but in SDK v10.0.0 it doesnt work,even when i debug , it cannot go to main, and i...
I have troubles.
I'm using nRF52 DK and V0.9.0.
I'm making program that does TWI communication between MPU9250 what is 9-axis sensor.
error is false every time.
I'm having problems getting the DFU dual bank ble s110 example to work on my target. My custom BLE app on my target is running fine, so my hardware is all good, and the DFU...
Hi, I disassembled an Acer Mouse and saw a chip named "NRF A 3152c 1517UH". Can anyone identify the chip or provide me with the data sheet for it.
I'm using s132_nrf52_2.0.0-7.alpha_softdevice. I've verified that the soft device is enabled.
void rdi_set_gap_parameters(void)
uint32_t err_code;
Is there are working example of FreeRTOS running on the nRF52 using the S132 SoftDevice? I am trying to get a ble_hrs example running with a updated version of the FreeRTOS...