We are developing software for the nRF51 with Keil under VirtualBox. Previously we used the PCA10000 dongle with the Master Emulator and MCP without issue. Now, with...
We are using nRF51822 for our products.
We want to know the min value of "Receiver sensitivity" when we use this chip for BLE.
The Datasheet says "Receiver sensitivity...
The BLE Multi-link example (ble_app_multilink_central and ble_app_multilink_peripheral)
shows how one central device can connect to multiple peripheral devices. ...
In the MCP app, if I have the following service data for an Eddystone beacon:
0x10, // Eddystone-URL type
0x00, // TX power in dBm. This is a signed integer so 0xEE ...
I have the nRF Control Panel Android application. It works fine with several BLE devices, but specifically for the Fitbit Flex, it fails to connect.
I know Fitbit wristbandes...
The situation:
I was able to successfully receive known packets from a device running gzp_device_dynamic_pairing, from, the host running the gzp_host_dynamic_pairing...
Hi everyone
nrf51822,softdevice s130 2.0.0
now i used softdevice s130 establish two connection as a central with two s110 peripheral device,at the same time i establish...
I am trying to use my nRF52-DK with Yggdrasil.
I took example from here: *\nRF5_SDK_11.0.0_89a8197\examples\ble_central_and_peripheral\ble_connectivity\pca10040\ser_s132_uart...
Hi, I was able to successfully implement the tutorial titled "Testing and using a simple BLE application" available in the Tutorial section and transfer data from termite...
Using OBS-421 from Connectblue as Central. Using simple AT command to connect and get data. Can connect successfully with Cypress BLE as well as the TI sensortag and get data...
When i have a bootloader installed and i try to debug application, it doesn't start application probably because debugger programmed application without the right...
hello everybody,
I'm working in a project using the automated generic bootloader example, I want to do some edits so as I can have an input interrupt at any time, I mean...
I am having trouble with the service discovery of my application. When I click Discover Services it takes several seconds to discover all of the services. For example between...
I have a problem with ble DFU application upgrade. I use the Master Control Panel under Win 7 on virtual machine and nordic ble usb dongle.
On the firmware...
I used AdaFruit Bluetooth LE shield previously that uses nRF8001. I can define new customer service using nRFgo studio (which only supports nRF8001). I am moving towards using...
I am using pca10040 board. i need to toggle a led in 5sec once. I tried to change the prescale value. But im not able to get that much time delay.
Can any one help...
SDK Version: nrf51_iot_sdk_0.8.0_f1f6187
In SDK all examples are given for PCA10028. Is it possible to run on PCA10001?
What I have done so far with PCA10001:
I have modified the Android-nRF-Blinky Application to use it with the Datathroughput Demo on the nRF52 DK.
The android application runs on a Nexus 9 with android...
Hi, i try to understand how to use mode for supply voltage measurement. But i have a problem and i get always 1.225 volt
Hey all,
Wondering if we could use an external 65.536KHz LF clock, or thereabouts, instead of the 32.768KHz? We need better resolution for the RTC, but don't want to turn...