I have a simple question. It is possible to use the ble-sniffer nrf51822 on Kali Linux? I found a guide to use it on linux but I don't know if it is the same for Kali...
I've modified Nordic's "Nordic_Keyboard" sample to work with my custom board, just simple modifications to use custom_board.h rather than the default PC10028 configuration...
I use HID application with S110 v8.0 profil.
I use BLE HID Keyboard example.
I put datas from smartphone to BOOT KEYBOARD OUTPUT REPORT and I whant read them by...
Hi all,
I use nRF51822 module and my environment is Eclipse + GCC + SDK 10.0. I refer to the example in path <SDK_PATH>/examples/ble_peripheral/ble_app_template, then make...
I am using nrf sniffer for trouble shooting. But it always exit unexpectedly. Wireshark was still open but the DOS window got closed.
I am attaching the log.txt.
Hi all,
I am using ble open mesh with pca10028 boards ble mesh is working fine.
I am developing a application that has to blink led in mesh( without any delay between...
I'm still on stack 8.0.0 so it might have been fixed since. I have noticed that if the other side de-asserts CTS the Nordic code will leave the TX asserted in a Break condition...
hello ,
i want to know if there an example available that has both peripheral + Broadcaster role running at the same time , Broadcaster advertise the service in the peripheral...
Hi all Nordic developers,
I am currently working on an application using a sensor (the temperature sensor) on a Smart beacon kit, which must connect and send data to a...
Hi all,
What's the difference between the Beacon Transmitter Sample Application example given in nRF51 SDK and the beacon firmware provided in the beacon kit? Are there...
I have a nRF 52 preview board (PCA10036) and would like to use ETM trace to enable the "execution profiling" in Keil v5.
After I enable the trace and ETM trace...
I am facing hardfault when i try to enable low power in a ble application. i want to enable trace on my PCA10040 board to find out the cause of this hardfault. can...
We are using our own custom nRF52832 based board, with revision B silicon however we are having trouble getting trace functionality to work.
Our code uses the Nordic...
I am going to design a new product around nRF51422 and I am planning to buy the nRF51 DK but I am really confused about the sw I need for development and additional...
I found this recent Q&A very helpful on the topic of reading voltage on analog hardware pins via the ADC: devzone.nordicsemi.com/.../
In that Q&A, a helpful Nordic person...
I want to use the MultiActivity Example with the nRF52 with GCC and Eclipse.
In the documentation I ve read that S130 and S132 are supported, but in the directory of the...
When I using the UART port, if I float the port after init the UART it will restart the code, is it need a external pull-up resistor? How about the value?
A quick one, where do I find a list of the err_codes? I have had a look in the documentation and I was expecting to find a table of them, but I couldn't locate one.
I am trying to send a notification to a peer device when a certain event occurs. To do so, I'm using the same procedure as with every other characteristic with enabled...
I used the example of the ble_central\ble_app_uart_c and ble_peripheral\ble_app_uart.
It seems no problem for operation when I check only this example.
But I modified this...
Hello Everyone ,
I ahve deveoped the custom board using NRF51SOC and i have flashed the custom board by usign P20 Connector referred below figure now i would like to debug...