I want send ble bond connection request from raspberry pi to nrf51882.
Can you please let me know which ble libraries I need to send central ble bond request to nrf51882...
Dear Nordic:
I try to use pca10040 DK and SDK is nRF52_SDK_0.9.2_dbc28c9.
Test nRF52_SDK_0.9.2_dbc28c9\examples\peripheral\UART the function work well on my DK.
Sometimes windows lose the connection to the nRF51 Dongle. The only way I have been able to reconnect to the dongle is by unplugging and replugging it to the USB port. I have...
app : nrf tools on git hub
s130: sdk v11
s110: sdk v8.1.0
example : nrf_ble_uart.
after modify, it happen, is there some definition shoud modify in app?
by the war,the...
the board advertising correct,and it work normal (connect,send and receive data),bug it's name can not display in app scan menu. the definition is "liu",but displaying...
with the new version of the bluetooth website, i can not find the link to overview the profile,service,characteristic and something else related to it.
thank you.
I've developed my BLE application that is based on nRF518822 and softdevice S110 v.8.0.0.
I've defined 6 services (4 with 2 characteritics each and 2 with 1 characteristic...
I'm trying to monitor the time a signal is high/low on a GPIO. It seems to work alright with timers and PPI, but I wish there was a way to reset the timer upon capture.
What is the largest possible value of "MAX_VAL" for application timer given below:
Since UART-BLE is an emulation of UART on BLE, is there a need for physical wiring of the pins (RXD, TXD)? Assuming I'm not using RTS/CTS as I have disabled flow control,...
I used to store 10 bytes to flash with pstorage under sdk version 8.2 and it always worked fine. As I also use the mesh app, the timeslot_handler dispatches the pstorage events...
The link below here, has a tutorial about using RTT debuging with keil.
I don't have keil and i use arm gcc compiler, can you please guide...
I'm using PCA10028 as central, SDK10.0.0, S130 V1.0.0.
I can discover 180A UUID and characteristic UUIDs which pripheral device provides such as 0x2a29, 0x2a24, 0x2a26...
my project use s110 8.0.0;I'm using nRF51422_xxAC.
And my project have 7 services.all the Characteristics is 81.
But after I had add 23 Characteristics ,I can't add...
I'm trying to get 128bit service uuid as referring to "ble_app_hrs_c" source code.(S130)
And my test peripheral device provides GAP, DEVICE Information and User service...
I've detected that when using the NRF51822 under Eclipse and GCC compilers, global variables are not automatically initialized. This is because an error on the startup...
I am having some issues figuring out how to send a simple string or character to my central.
What I want is the peripheral to send an acknowledgement back to the central...
I want profile / Log the events occurring in my board and save them on to flash. Unfortunately when ever my nRF51822 goes to sleep and wakes up again APP_Timer which...
Dear nordic guys, I'm developing with nrf51822.
I have one simple question.
My customer LG electronics wants to get the nrf master control pannel android app source code...
I am trying to modify my application so that it uses the latest version of softdevice (v2.0.0-8.alpha) instead of the current one I am using (v2.0.0-7.alpha). My application...