Sometimes windows lose the connection to the nRF51 Dongle. The only way I have been able to reconnect to the dongle is by unplugging and replugging it to the USB port. I have...
app : nrf tools on git hub
s130: sdk v11
s110: sdk v8.1.0
example : nrf_ble_uart.
after modify, it happen, is there some definition shoud modify in app?
by the war,the...
the board advertising correct,and it work normal (connect,send and receive data),bug it's name can not display in app scan menu. the definition is "liu",but displaying...
with the new version of the bluetooth website, i can not find the link to overview the profile,service,characteristic and something else related to it.
thank you.
I've developed my BLE application that is based on nRF518822 and softdevice S110 v.8.0.0.
I've defined 6 services (4 with 2 characteritics each and 2 with 1 characteristic...
I can get right value when I chose QDEC_SAMPLEPER_SAMPLEPER_512us in slow application ,but in my application my max data rate is more than 2k, so the QDEC value is less than...
nrf51822 SDK 9.0
iphone 6plus System version IOS9.2
When the phone receives the QQ message "static void notif_print(ble_ancs_c_evt_notif_t * p_notif);" can execute.
I have a problem with ble DFU application upgrade. I use the Master Control Panel under Win 7 on virtual machine and nordic ble usb dongle.
On the firmware...
I used AdaFruit Bluetooth LE shield previously that uses nRF8001. I can define new customer service using nRFgo studio (which only supports nRF8001). I am moving towards using...
I am using pca10040 board. i need to toggle a led in 5sec once. I tried to change the prescale value. But im not able to get that much time delay.
Can any one help...
SDK Version: nrf51_iot_sdk_0.8.0_f1f6187
In SDK all examples are given for PCA10028. Is it possible to run on PCA10001?
What I have done so far with PCA10001:
I have modified the Android-nRF-Blinky Application to use it with the Datathroughput Demo on the nRF52 DK.
The android application runs on a Nexus 9 with android...
Hi, i try to understand how to use mode for supply voltage measurement. But i have a problem and i get always 1.225 volt
Hey all,
Wondering if we could use an external 65.536KHz LF clock, or thereabouts, instead of the 32.768KHz? We need better resolution for the RTC, but don't want to turn...
hello im from mexico, last week i order 10 NRF24LE1 and arrived the next wake,
but before i have many cuestion about.
someone can tell me that the burner can work?
I had a mbed firmware running on a ST Nucleo 64 that periodically query a sensor for data. It only use the I2C, a button interrupt and a LED for heartbeat. I ported it to...
I want to know that if the TWI easyDMA in nRF52 can help in achieving this task:
we want to read from TWI each 10msec based on a timer interrupt and write...
I have detected a problem with a timer on my program.
I can solve it, but I would like to understand what is happening exactly.
My program starts to scan BLE signal...
I'm writing the client-side code for the Nordic DFU service and according to the spec, the DFU packet characteristic uses Write Without Request. Are there any examples of...
I'm trying to implement a HID gamepad on nRF52832. Here is my situation:
nRF is receiving frame over UART from master uC every 15 ms. Frame is being converted and...