Hi, my friend,
I've been with nrf905. I use a 16-bit CRC check.
But I encountered problems in use:
1.Nrf905 16-bit CRC check format is CRC-16(IBM):X16+X15+X2+1 or other...
I have two custom PCBs, each of which has a microcontroller and an nrf24L01+. Everything related to the transceiver in the designs are complete duplicates (with the exception...
I've built a small BLE-device based on the nrf8001.
With my Iphone I can discover this device and I am able to connect to it and listen to notifications of the...
Our pcb is used for gps location data. We have a nrf24L01 nordic chip as the micro process or between the gps module and wireless module (2G). Our engineer needs to capture...
Hey folks,
I'm trying to modify the SPI Master loop back example into a 4 line SPI Master_Slave program. Whenever I change the Tx_Buffer_lenght from 10 to lsome other numbers...
I am using S130 softdevice version.
Basically, I am using NUS Service and make a my own NUS central service as NUS_C.
It is correctly work at normal state.
Hi All,
Please Reviwe for a attached circuit file(Chip ANT of nRF51822.pdf).
I also attach a datasheet of chip antenna applied for that circuit(SDBTPTR3015 Data Sheet...
I tested Auto connect with NRF52832 UART APP(S132 softdevice), and nRF Master Control Panel APP.
I tested with samsung s3 neo and Moto G3 , but it is not working. In which...
I am currently using the watchdog in conjunction with RTX and a softdevice on the nrf51.
I am wondering if the default priority for the watchdog's interrupt works well in...
I am simulating button presses on a peripheral nRF51 device to determine average battery life. I send "button state" to central in a timer every 10s, with which I simulate...
In my app , using SD130 , when i check the registers state while debuging i find that the RNB is powered on.
Do the SD130 power it on automatically? (because...
Hi All, We would like to use Alert Notification Service and UART service in our application. Here Our Peripheral will be Alert Notification client and UART Service server...
Hi, I have done the following:
Built a custom board with a brand new 128Kb nRF51822. On the board I only have the 16MHz xtal.
Routed out SWD IO/CLK and connected...
Apart from using nRF-Ready mother board, is there an option to program nRF2460. Probably through serial or third party SPI programmer? If yes, which one?
Is it possible to have one nRF2460 based transmitter to be received by multiple nRF2460 based receivers, or is the pairing one-to-one? In the datasheet, it says "The only...
Hi there,
I'm currently using the nRF UART app for iOS (v1.0.1), and I noticed it doesn't work the same as the Android app (v2). The key difference is the ability to select...
I am using external Crystal for my custom chip using nrf 51422 controller....
Just wanted to confirm is my setup for the external crystal (16 Mhz) is correct...
It is connected...
Could someone give me a hint with the following problem?
I am using two example projects (ble_app_uart_c, ble_app_hrs) to connect a central and a peripheral.
I'm using [nRF52_SDK_0.9.2] and original module. As a tool, I use the keil.
"NRF_POWER-> SYSTEMOFF = 1;" in the SDK example hrs also written, does not enter the system...
Respected SIR,
We procured nrf8002 BLE for our product. Currently we are in developing stage. We are using arm coertex M4-32bit based Teensy3.2 board as master. We havent...
I created xml file for heartrate server using bluetooth developer studio and the plugin nRF8001_Arduino (plugin nordic semiconductor for arduino)
the generated xml file...
I have nrf51822 controlling 2 I2C devices:
OLED display - SSD1306
Capacitive touch sensor - CAP1203
When in debug mode I get images on display, however when...