I am working with the nRF8001, and I'd like to create a services.h file that will let me broadcast battery level and as well as allow temperature to be read by a peer.
Hi We have an application where we what to read i2c sensor data over the air to an iPhone. We've taken ble_app_uart_S130 project and grafted in some twi_hardware code. There...
I am interested in the S130 ability to hold 3 central -> peripheral links over BLE, and am looking for some evidence that this has been accomplished with extremely low-power...
I'm trying to implement channel scanning in our nrf24lu1p based USB dongle.
I'm following the specs and basically loop though each channel ;
stop listening
I am using the NRF8001 in UART mode and attempting to bond with my android device (Lollipop 5.0 Nexus 6).
i am using the nordic arduino sdk which is found here:...
Hi, I'm using the nRF8001 in an application that requires security so bonds to the remote client/central. My device supports firmware upgrades that may involve new nRF8001...
New to this development environment.
Blinky compiled, flashed, worked and debugged easily.
On BLE examples. The HTS example eventually loaded after setting the target...
I need a clock output (> 12MHz) from nRF52 for interfacing a sensor.
From the below post, looks like Max possible output is 8MHz since peripheral clock is limited to 16MHz...
Hello, I am apple developer and using Swift. Actually I'm just intern student.
My boss assign some task to me to CREATE IOS App to scan nRF51822 Bluetooth Smart Beacon...
PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130.
I'm testing DFU using UART not BLE.
How can i edit UART Tx,Rx pin number?
When I download "dfu_dual_bank_ble_s130_pca10028...
I'm using PCA10028, SDK10.0.0, S130.
I want to make one time timers as below.
is the nRF Sniffer still in Development? The ble sniffer program keeps crashing at random after about 10-20 seconds and is barely usable for me. I have around 20...
Is there any way of instructing the BDS plug-in which optional characteristics to include in code generation for adopted services without converting to a custom service? ...
(/attachment/41972e0db37f912bba4731a3b5ffe839)(/attachment/0838bef738e72c89e2a9af90d6e3f640)(/attachment/a62ce68db8c9d23b285a9f94a5c9beac)I have been developing on the nRF51...
what should be the direction of pin P0.26 and P0.27 when external low frequency crystal is connected ???
or they should be left untouched in the code ???
To reduce the...
I come across a problem when I debug NRF51822. I don't know how to config its clock.My board XTAL is 16MHz, and I want config is to 32MHz,Is the method below OK?
My settings are:
I'm trying to readback 0xD8. The proper value should be 0x71. Instead...
I am trying to use the nrf52 in serialized mode, where I was successfully able to program the connectivity board (using SDK 11.0.0) However if I try to load any of the...
We are using a module which has nrf51822 on it. Before we have programmed it, we were able to see it when we scan for ble.
But after we program we could not able to detect...
I am building an automated test stand for programming our production devices. After programming, I need to pin-reset the device to leave debug mode so I can get an accurate...
We have an BLE application that we are targeting the nRF52 device for. The application demands using a UART interface to communicate to a host processor. In addition, we typically...