I'm using the nRF51 DK and I have a UART over BLE link set up between the board and a phone with the nRF UART app. I'm trying to get the board to execute a particular...
Hello there guys i been reading your 100 pg PDF for awhile now and im yet to understand or realize how is it that i add/place/create a payload or data to send/Tx via Master...
I am interested in writing a BLE central that reads data from multiple BLE Nordic sensors. The BLE central will be running on Embedded Linux which uses the BlueZ stack.
I'm trying to get S110 softdevice (v8.0.0) working with RIOT. I had some issues (I couldn't initialize TIMER1 or TIMER2 until softdevice is setup & enabled) but I think...
Hello everyone,
I got a task which I try to implement using a NRF51822 iBeacon board.
The Task:
Advertise a Device and provide a mechanism to connect without traditional...
Hello, I'm working with the EK PCA10003, that has the NRF51422. I'm trying to read the information of the accelerometer MPU6000 with an ISP interface. At the moment I cannot...
I'd like to use the GATT/GAP driver from an ARM based Linux system. Is there any possibility of getting a library compiled for ARM or (cough) the source code to build it myself...
while flashing the device i get "Contents mismatch at: 0001C1C0H".
I am not sure if my IROM1 and IRAM1 settings are setup correct in the Target Settings of my Keil project...
i have two microcontrollers: STM32F401 and nRF51822. They communicate by uart with flow control. I use 110 Soft Device from SDK 10. The maximum baud rate when communication...
Hi All,
I am trying to update the HEX file of LED_mesh example using DFU bootloader over-the-air. The LED_mesh application HEX file gets uploaded successfully by bootloader...
Hi Nordics,
I copy pwm sample code into my proximity project, to drive a buzzer .
I init pwm before softdevice. but, once "SOFTDEVICE_HANDLER_INIT" is excuted, the buzzer...
i have a problem with nRF51 an nRF24LU1+. I use S110 and micro-esb library. I can switch beatween poroperty RF and bluetooh ( never run both in the same time ). When...
I wanted to use the SysTick timer for timing in my application, but even when writing a handler and trying to set it up, it doesn't seem like the interrupt is ever triggered...
hi I am i using Keil to debug the progam, it seems like that the printf() function can't work in keil, so i use jlink RTT to perform the printf function to collect data ....
i want to have a application in which a timer timeout say 5 second. and during this timeout there is another timer say 1 second. whenever the 1sec timer timeouts then...
The function sd_ble_enable(ble_enable_params_t * p_ble_enable_params, uint32_t * p_app_ram_base) requires now the application RAM base address! Is it 0x20002800?
Hi ~
I use nrf51-micro-esb on GitHub
In Tx-Device: auto sent (data+1) to Rx-Device
But Rx-Device receiver data still the same not Increment....
why in Rx-Device...
Hi everybody
Since quite a long time since my last visit here. Now I come back because a new project using the NRF51822. Because now I'm using the NRF51822-CEAA, I can...
I am developing an application where in i want to create a network with One central[not a mobile,pc,tablet etc] and multiple peripherals connected to the central excahnging...
my Project can not exit the GPIO INTERRUPT HANDLER.
following is my project.
include "nrf_gpio.h"
include "nrf52.h"
include "boards.h"
define BUTTON_1...
I have found the bellowing code which was in s130/ble_gatts_struct_seriallization.c of nRF51_SDK_10.0.0 : ( ble_gatts_attr_md_enc)
/* serializer does not support attributes...