I am trying to migrate a project nRF Connect SDK v2.6.2 to v2.7.0 for the nrf5340dk target board, particularly to update to the new hw model v2 and sysbuild. I am...
I am working my way through the Beginner course on Dev Academy, and am trying my hand at using my own accelerometer breakout board communicating over I2C for lesson 6.
I need help building the connectivity firmware and getting it working with the examples in pc-ble-driver-py.
If I use nRF Connect Desktop to program a nRF52840 DK, I can...
Using the nRF Connect Desktop application and the nRF Connect SDK for my nRF9160dk.
I would like to monitor RAM usage during runtime of my program. In particular I am interested...
in prj.conf
I have several warnings in my application that look like this XXXXXXX set more that once. Old Value "x", new value "x". I am worried that this indicates I...
mROBerTO (milli-ROBot-TOronto) is a small modular millirobot designed and implemented for swarm robotics research. It was first featured in the 2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots…
Hi. I'll introduce "neoFlash" produced by Mobilian.
neoFlash is whole new BLE development toolkit & production solution.
With this solution you can design, implement your idea and produce…
One of the samples available in the nRF Connect SDK is the Secure Partition Manager, which is required to run applications in the nonsecure domain of the CPU. The sample uses the SPM library available in…
The goal of this tutorial is to set-up your own custom Bluetooth Low Energy service on an nRF5340 acting in a peripheral role. We will set up a new Bluetooth LE project from scratch. The finished…
When creating a mesh network with many nodes, it can take a while to provision each node, especially using PyACI. An alternative is to use a static provisioner that provisions the nodes automatically…
What is the difference between SDK and Softdevice? How can we select SDK and Softdevice versions? Do the SoC, SDK, and Softdevice have version compatibility problems? How can we understand the SDK directory…