Hi. I interested now for direction finding in nrf52 series. I have nrf52811, nrf52833 and other controllers. But i don't find any information how develop board for recievers...
Zephyr Eddystone example is connectable after power on of nrf52833 board. But after disconnect it becomes non connectable. How to fix it? And how to change advertisement interval...
We are looking for an experienced software developer, for existing board with using nRF Connect SDK. We are using nRF52840-dk.
Please, contact me if you are interested.
Support for nRF52 Series in Contiki OS is no longer maintained and is pending removal. Please check out nRF52x series support in Zephyr OS which offers BLE over IPv6 connectivity.
This tutorial shows you…
A new tool from Nordic has been released, pc-ble-driver-py, which allows Python developers to access the full SoftDevice 2.x.x API from a Python application.
Update: Raspberry Pi unofficial build available…
NFC principle
A NFC system consists of two devices, an active and a passive device. The active device is powered, and induces a magnetic field with a coil inductor antenna. When the passive device is placed…
Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…