NRF24AP2 with MSp430F149 . ASYNC 9600 N 8 1
step 1 : reset NRF24AP2 with reset pin , and received a pulsing signal through RTS pin
step 2: send a char (0x4A) to NRF24AP2...
Hi guys,
I am using the gcc setup to program my boards. However for flashing the softdevice I use nrfgoStudio. SO I downloaded the hex file and fashed the siftdevice. But...
How do you create hid information for a joystick and send it over BLE. Nordic doesn't seem to have
primitives for this (they have keyboard and mouse facilities). I'm working...
I use a PCA10001 board as peripheral role of heart rate service and it can be discovered by control panel. But as I download the experimental program of central role of hrs...
Written by Kaja Koren, Lena Haraldseid, Halvor Bjørstad, Martin Moldsvor & Magnus Stentsøe
The summer students in Nordic's application group spent this summer developing an interactive game using Nordic…
If you are interested in smart home solutions and trying to keep up with the latest trends, you have likely heard about Matter. My name is Kamil Kasperczyk, I am a firmware engineer at Nordic Semiconductor…
nRF Util is Nordic's command line utility for Nordic products. You can easily use it to flash applications onto your Nordic device through a terminal. In the most recent major version update, v7.0.0…
This tutorial is aimed at implementing the nRF Desktop application on the nRF52840 Development Kit (DK) using the nRF Connect SDK, thereby allowing it to work either as a gaming mouse, keyboard, or dongle…
This guide is for an older version of the nRF Connect SDK.
For a newer guide on Bootloaders and DFU, we recommend…
Does your build fail today, even though it worked fine yesterday? Are you able to build your project on another computer, but not the one you need to use now? Here are eight things you can try to fix these…
Learn to add and configure an I2C/TWI Master Zephyr driver to an NRF Connect SDK project.
Learn to add and configure an I2C/TWI Slave nRFX driver to an NRF Connect SDK project.
Using the nRF Connect SDK / West to Program the Radio_Test example into the nRF5340 DK
There is a need to be able to put a Nordic Semiconductors System-on-Chip / transceiver into modes where…
The "Concurrent Multiprotocol Timeslot API" was introduced with v7.0 of the S110 SoftDevice in 2014. The original purpose was to allow customers to build their own proprietary networks using…