Using S120 V alpha, processing a BLE_GATTC_EVT_READ_RSP,
received 0x16 bytes of data but there is more to read. Next call to
sd_ble_gattc_read using the same connection...
Why Bluetooth Go to system-off mode, sd_power_ramon_set can not be stored. In D: \ RAM save nrf51_sdk_v5_2_0_39364 \ nrf51822 \ Board \ nrf6310 \ s110 \ ble_app_rscs...
Recently I want to set up a dynamic network that with the node change this position ,the network will change dynamically.But there is the question,with the node's position...
Dir Sir. I am checking the current profile of nRF24AP2 in RX mode.
After "open channel" command, I found the peak current at 10ms interval until connection pass.
How does...
I am using Nordic's UART service to communicate with my project. I use iOS and also Master Control Panel (with a dongle) on a laptop.
I have two questions:
Recently, we've updated the SEGGER Embedded Studio Nordic edition (SES) to version 4.16 (SES Nordic Edition is special version of SES built specifically for nRF Connect SDK).
This updated version introduced…
Range testing of any RF scheme is inherently limited by the RF environment, antenna design, tuning and many other factors. The usefulness of range testing is to provide a basis for comparison while keeping…
This blog post describes how you can take advantage of the 4 MOSFET's on the Thingy:52.
DISCLAIMER: Please verify all information that is used/retrieved from this blog post. Some of the information…
Before we begin
Topics that will be covered include:
Before we begin
Necessary equipment and software
Necessary prior knowledge
Some basic theory
The Generic Attribute Profile (GATT)
Setting up the Timeslot API
When you want to use the radio while still maintaining a BLE connection or have a task that you need to do uninterrupted by radio activity, you can set up a timeslot. The timeslot…
Radio Notification
In this tutorial we will set up a beacon example and modify it to use radio notification. Then we will use radio notification to light a LED when the radio is transmitting.
While this…
Board Support Package
In this tutorial we will use the Board Support Package to control hardware peripherals on the nRF51 or nRF52 DK.
Required tools
Keil 5.20
nRF SDK 11nRFgo Studio 1.21.…
nRF51 Low power modes and power profiles documentation
The low power modes for the nRF51 series are System On and System Off. You can read about them in the nRF51 Series Reference Manual v3.0 sections…
###Note: This tutorial is for the legacy DFU module included in SDK version 11 and earlier. To get started with the new DFU included in SDK 12 and above, please see the SDK documentation in the Infocenter…