I am using ncs sdk, my projects are under ~/zephyr-workspace. This is from an example project - blinkypwm. The clangd compiler shows the following erro: In included file:...
We want to use a BL6554PA (based on the nRF52840) as a thread node and enable the integrated Skyworks SKY66112-11 front-end module with PA and LNA to increase our range. I...
I'm wondering if support for the nRF7002 shield coexistence module has been tested with the nRF54H20. I have successfully tested adding Wi-Fi to the nRF54H20 adding the...
I am wondering if what I am seeing is expected. I tried flashing the modem fw on the nrf9151 using nrfjprog.exe (v10.24.2); which I am able to do successfully, but...
I'm adding MCUboot to my application and we'll be using our own app to upload new firmware over BLE to the device over our custom comms protocol. I can use the DFU Target...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing along technologies, ecosystems and business cases. Machines traditionally considered stand-alone now have connectivity: a washing machine, for example, is advertised…
I was looking at a way to run MicroPython on an nRF91 Series development kit to do a quick prototype with some existing Python code. The MicroPython Zephyr port was already quite advanced, so I added the…
Bring magic to your home with the Nordic Semiconductor Wireless Wizard Wand. The wand utilizes the powerful nRF52840 chip with Edge Impulse ML motion recognition to communicate with all your smart home appliances…
The new Bluetooth 5.4 features Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAwR) and Encrypted Advertising Data (EAD) can be used for one-to-many applications. One of these is the Electronic Shelf Labels (ESL…
When designing a PCB with a high-frequency radio onboard certain rules should be followed for optimal radio frequency (RF) performance. This guide will provide some general PCB guidelines that can be used…
Periodic Advertising with Responses (PAWR) is a new feature in Bluetooth 5.4. It extends the periodic advertising protocol from Bluetooth 5.0. Periodic advertising, where a device sends broadcast data with…
When designing a PCB with a high-frequency radio onboard certain rules should be followed for optimal radio frequency (RF) performance. This guide will provide some general PCB guidelines that can be used…
Please note that some information on this page may be outdated due to ongoing improvements in nRF Cloud. For the most current details on provisioning services, refer to the nRF Cloud Security Services…
The intention of this guide is to clarify and describe the main aspects relevant to the GNSS receiver functionality on the nRF9160 as well as build configurations, tool recommendations and…