i am working with the nrf7002+nrf5340 ns when i run the excercise solution and press the button a couple of times, i get this error *** Booting nRF Connect SDK v3.5.99-ncs1...
Trying to find some docs on "flashing" vs. booting the nRF54L15 from RRAM.
- are there any implementations available? - any ways to lock 1st & 2nd-stage bootloader areas...
hi, noted a few things in the Rev 1 Errata v0.8 that might be tricky to solve practically in sw/hw
3.16 [33] RADIO: GPIOs can exhibit radiated emissions
I am using ncs sdk, my projects are under ~/zephyr-workspace. This is from an example project - blinkypwm. The clangd compiler shows the following erro: In included file:...
The Internet of Things (IoT) is developing along technologies, ecosystems and business cases. Machines traditionally considered stand-alone now have connectivity: a washing machine, for example, is advertised…
I was looking at a way to run MicroPython on an nRF91 Series development kit to do a quick prototype with some existing Python code. The MicroPython Zephyr port was already quite advanced, so I added the…
Bring magic to your home with the Nordic Semiconductor Wireless Wizard Wand. The wand utilizes the powerful nRF52840 chip with Edge Impulse ML motion recognition to communicate with all your smart home appliances…
The purpose of this blog is to showcase how a single USB bus can be used as the physical transport for multiple protocols when an external CPU is the controller.
Specifications as tested
Table of Contents
What are device tree overlays, and how do they relate to shields?
Why are Arduino nodes not recognized in the nRF9160 DK?
The workaround: Using the shield as a board ove…
Table of Contents
Incorporating this into other projects
Further reading
Attached files
This blog post demonstrates how to get a LVGL sample…
There is a need to be able to put a Nordic Semiconductors S0C /transceivers into modes where the physical layer and RF characteristics may be ascertained. The radio test example is used to…
This is part 2 of the series Building a Bluetooth application on nRF Connect SDK - Contrasting to SoftDevice based Bluetooth applications
You can find the other parts here:
Part 1 - Peripheral Role.