You have dead links everywhere and no obvious location for the gcc command line tools. Where is this?
Here are dead links:
Our current project is bare metal and has logging over CLI. I'm in the process of setting up a new project of ours that uses FreeRTOS but reuses a lot of the same...
If some one else have trouble that the Nrf52840 Dongel do not mount using cdc acm on openwrt this will most likely help.
First number is the verdor id second is the product...
I am using "asset tracker" project in nRF9160 DK.
I want to update asset tracker application through HTTP.
So i migrated changes of "asset tacker" in main function...
I have a simple TCP client application running on the nRF9160. After connection to the server, recv is called and writes the data over Segger RTT channel 1, where on the host...
Em::Blocks supports now the nRF51 devices from Nordic. You can select in the new project wizard which device family (51422 or 51822) and if soft devices are needed or not.
The templates for the softdevices…
Since I wrote about CrossWorks a few weeks ago, several people have mailed me and asked me if I have any sample projects. I didn't, so I just created some.
I've created projects which build blinky_example…
Updated version here (21.04.15):
I have noticed that there have been several questions on development with Eclipse and GCC…
Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…