Nordic \ nRF5_SDK_12 nrf52832 using 2.0 _f012efa \ examples \ peripheral \ pwm_driver, pwm_driver example
Want to set up two road PWM phase is different, for example, the...
I'm using nRF52832 and S132 based on nRF5 SDK v14. I get a error code 4 when I add DFU service refer to the experimental_ble_app_buttonless_dfu . The SDK has changed so much...
I'm wondering if I can get current transmitting channel during a connection. So
Is there a way I can directly read current transmitting channel?
If not, is...
This question has to do with the observed "recursivity" of the calls to "app_sched_execute" in SDK13 as described in the previously asked question below:
How do i do ble_app beacon advertisement to one device(Android phone) whose bluetooth address is known ?? I want that beacons should only be seen in nrf_connect app of...
This post started as a question, but got the suggestion to post this as a blog post. Here it is.
I have been trying to get QtCreator configured such that I can use it as my IDE for the nrf51822 on Mac…
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Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
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