Does anybody got an app inventor2 "project" to communicate with the (Adafruit) Bluefruit LE UART (or SPI) ?
Note: my Android version is 4.4.2 (LE "advertising" not supported...
I've created a Secure DFU client using the multilink central example with S130 and SDK 12.2 (running on PCA10031).
There are a few issues we have trouble with.
After successfully managing to preserve our devices bonding information (and custom app context data) across DFU updates, we have a few related questions.
I should...
I would appreciate some suggestions on a good development flow to go from an Example to end application
I have nrf52832 on a custom PCB.
I tested several sdk13.0.0 examples...
If anyone will ever have this error:
When using c++ and singleton the use of operator new is not possible.
I found the solution in this post:
This post started as a question, but got the suggestion to post this as a blog post. Here it is.
I have been trying to get QtCreator configured such that I can use it as my IDE for the nrf51822 on Mac…
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Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…