I have a question about Makefile template used in all samples in SDK12.x
What is the sense of:
$(foreach target, $(TARGETS), $(call define_target, $(target)))
Has anyone used a graphics library like emWin or TouchGfx on nRF52?
I do not see any posts on either forums or here...
We can not convert Altium File to DipTrace or Eagle File. We need those files asap. I'd be thankful if you could help me in that issue.
Thank you
One of most frequently asked question from customers is howt to test RF to evaluate RF performance on their device. The precondition of this is to connect UART between PC and DUT(Device Under Test) prior…
This tutorial shows you how to get started with RIOT OS on nRF52832 using IPv6
over BLE communication.
To fully understand this tutorial you will need to have minimum knowledge of
Linux environment…
We are happy to announce that nRF Connect has reached v1.0 production release and has been made available on the nRF Connect for desktop product page on the Nordic Semiconductor web site.
About nRF Connect…
Before we begin
Table of context
Before we begin
The "Hello world" example
Address types
Advertising types
Advertising data
Scan response data
Change Log 2018…