I'm trying to design a very low power sensor that takes readings using ADC and SPI 200 times a second. I'm a bit worried by the current EasyDMA uses (1.1mA). As far as I can...
Hi, I am working on a project where I want to make one nrf51288 chip as central hub and connect that to a android phone and other salve nrf51288 .
idea similar to this: ...
I have a code programming the nRF51422 development board to write to a Sharp Memory 96x96 pixel LCD screen using SPI.
Currently the code writes two numbers and a...
I've modified the ble_app_uart example by adding GPIOTE so that the transmitter sends a character to the receiver when a GPIO pin is toggled. This part is working well.
I am working on my hardware product having nRF-51422 chipset. I just came to know from forum post that
nRF-52 chips will get arduino IDE support as standalone. I want...
Segger has recently released a number of tools, some of them free, which work with Segger's JLink debuggers, One of those is SystemView, a real-time analysis and visualisation tool. It's cross platform…
nRF51824 - World's most capable automotive qualified Bluetooth SoC
The nRF51824 is now available qualified to AEC-Q100 for automotive applications that demand AEC-Q100 qualified devices.
The nRF51824…
Construction of a cordova based cross platform mobile app that displays heart rate measurement data sent by a Nordic nRF51822 device via BLE. This data is periodically posting this to thingspeak…
The scope of this tutorial is to make it clear how a developer can adjust the RAM and FLASH memory start addresses. The examples demonstrated in this tutorial uses SDK 15.2 The first three Sections explains…
This tutorial demonstrates how to adapt and program SDK example applications to the nRF52840 dongle using USB DFU. It also describes how to program the dongle via Serial Wire Debug (SWD) using an external…
We are happy to announce our first release of the nRF Connect for Cloud Device API!
Connect your BLE, LTE/NB-IoT or any other device to our free IoT development platform and interact with that device through…
This is a follow-up to my previous blog post; adding custom commands to a BLE example.
I hope it was interesting to see an example of adding the vendor specific Nordic UART service (NUS) into another…
We have produced a video tutorial in two parts about Bluetooth low energy. The purpose is to give you a developer’s introduction to BLE and the development tools offered by Nordic Semiconductor.
NB! Please…