My app is not working on all nrf52810 existing modules

Hello, I developed a simple advertising application first on nrf52832 with succéss and I'm trying to adapt it to nrf52810.
I therefore switched from S132 to the S112 softdevice and the application works on the NRF52DK dev board, but also on a "Minew" MS50SFA module (with 32.768 Khz crystal).
On the other hand, on a "MOKO - M2" module which does not have this crystal, it does not work!
I however modified the lines corresponding to the presence or not of this crystal in the sdk-config.h!
What did I forget?

I'm working on SEGGERS

Thanks for your help


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi,

    Jean-marie said:
    No, I don't replace the nRF82811 by the nRF52810 myself ( it where made like this by MOKO ), see the picture and you can see that there is no 32.768 Khz crystal and it's an nRF52810 soc

    Ok, Yes I can see from the picture that you shared that it doesn't have a LFXO crystal and that it is a nRF52810. Which is weird since it's not specified by the product brief you've shared. 

    Jean-marie said:
    Must I use a specific RAM START and FLASH START address ?

    The program should assert if the memory settings aren't right,

    Jean-marie said:
    No advertising

    But does the program assert? Have you connected a debugger and see if the program reach the advertising function without error? Does it return successfully?



  • Hello Jared, hope you are well.

    I've do an experience: Take an M2 ( without 32.768Khz crystal ) and flash it with a sdk_config.h configured for using the internal R/C. and of course it don't work! - power OFF !

    I've installed an 32.768 Khz crystal and the 2 capacities, then power ON ! ........... It work !

    So I think that the config do nothing !

    Can you explain that ?

    Thanks for your reply


  • Jiemde,

    I did not get the same results

    I did a similar test with my nRF52 development kit, I cut the solder bridges that connect the LFCLK crystal, and then I tried advertising with the ble_app_blinky project. As expected it didn't work, after that I tried changed the sdk_config.h project by:

    #ifndef NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC
    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_SRC 0
    #define NRF_SDH_CLOCK_LF_RC_CTIV 16

    I then reflashed the example and saw that it was advertising sucessfully. 

    Note that also need to change  NRFX_CLOCK_CONFIG_LF_SRC to RC clock source if it isn't already. 



  • Hi,

    Can you try to flash this hex and the S112 Softdevice to your board?


    After you have flashed and reset the board, can you read out the Clock SRC register with nRF Command Line Tools:

    nrfjprog --memrd 0x40000518

    What does it return?


